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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 10 minutes ago, Niagara Dude said:

     Our HC and GM are two losers,  this team wasted money on endless mediocre players in free agency,  we have very few if any true playmakers and they hype mediocre free-agent signings.  Quality signings are always best over quantity,    

    You sound a bit upset and bitter, I don’t think you’ve fully expressed yourself, just let it all out, you will feel better, ?

    • Haha (+1) 8
  2. 1 hour ago, reddogblitz said:


    I don't necessarily disagree with you.  But history tells us something different in regards to Coach McDermott and game management.  Until I see him do something different, I will be skeptical that we actually will.  We're going into year 3 ...


    Personally I don't care how we do it as long as we win.

    Winning is indeed the answer.


    Go Bills!!!

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  3. 22 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    We'll see.  I suspect we'll run a lot still.  Especially in the 2nd half with a lead.  We did sign Frank Gore and Yeldon and draft a kid in the 3rd.


    I know some are hoping for a fancy passing offense but I'm not convinced.  McDermott did make the playoffs with the Bills playing ball control and sitting on the lead in the 2nd half and playing good D.  Until I see something different I'm going to think he sticks with what has worked for him in the past.

    I’m not saying we won’t be running the ball a fair bit, but if we want to sniff the post season we better be a damn good passing team, and not just in the first half of games, this team needs to not let up on opponents by playing not to lose after we get a lead.  That is a bad recipe for a team trying to be on an upswing.


    Go Bills!!!

  4. 1 hour ago, hondo in seattle said:


    You're right that ultimately the only person who can make Allen better is Allen.  But you don't think it's helpful to watch the GOAT? 


    I imagine Allen admiring Brady's footwork and committing to working harder on his own.  Or seeing Brady check down and thinking, "Hmm.  I would have made a different decision.  Let me think about that."  And so on.  I can't imagine anything bad happening from studying Brady's film but I can imagine Allen getting better because of the film study.  


    I'm glad we have a QB who's committed to his craft.

    This ^^^


    Why is it some think that learning the QB position would not include watching how the best QBs do the job?  It’s not an osmosis thing, one needs to see how it’s done, then go through the steps to make sure you’re doing correctly, it’s a process, and it goes on throughout a QBs career.


    Go Bills!!!

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  5. On 8/24/2019 at 9:23 PM, GreggTX said:

    I kinda hope they keep only 5 WR's. Other than Brown, Beasley and Jones, our WR's are all backup caliber players and can easily be replaced. I'd like us to keep an extra RB instead.

    4 RBs is enough, 5 WR is one to few in a pass first offense, we will be passing more than running most of the time, gotta take advantage of a QB who can push the ball up the field. Injury wise it easier to pick up a serviceable RB, than a serviceable WR during the season.


    Go Bills!!!

  6. 8 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:


    Because they are better at it than you, me, and the rest of us on this forum, there are a lot of “I know better” types on every sports team forum, they do add minor entertainment, down side is they live in the negative Nancy land where nothing is good enough, ever. Just sayin.


    Go Bills!!!

  7. 24 minutes ago, GreggTX said:

    The scouting reports say that he would be better at G than OT at this level. Not sure why some are showering him with praise when he's only played against backups.

    I suspect people are merely making reference to his heads up play,  though some here seem to find a negative connotation with that, life’s a  dreary existence for some I guess...


    Go Bills!!!

  8. 2 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    I don't know what his responsibilities are each play, but what I see is a player that is tough to move but lacks the hands to disengage from blocks. 



    And you continue to say this,   Why do you expect him to be a polished vet before he plays his first game as a pro?


    Go Bills!!!


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

    They are definitely saving Oliver stunts for the season, his quickness will pay off there but I don't like his hands so far. He let's OL get a hold of him and he can't get off. 

    You have been given examples of his getting off blocks yet keep saying that he can’t get of a block. Here’s another example, the very first preseason game he was double teamed, got off the double and was in on the tackle, against an all pro at that. Not so much to be worried about, he’s doing fine for a rookie who has yet to play his first game.


    Go Bills!!!

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  10. 5 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    I was talking in general.  Does race get brought up too much?  Absolutely.  Kelly is getting his 43 chance because of his uncle, not his race.  So I agree there.


    but there is something disingenuous about a white person talking about race card and stuff.  You (in general) aren’t a minority, you have no idea how it feels to be in their shoes.  Growing up as a black kid in Southside Chicago is a different world than being a white kid from Amherst.  

    I get that but it sucks that a lot of guys don’t even get a 2nd chance at the nfl.   Also, how does a normal person get treated when they threaten to shoot up a bar with an AK 47?  

    This ^^^


    All good points, “disingenuous” is a very kind way of putting it. Well stated imo. But his race isn’t hurting either, there is a lot of white privilege in our country that white citizens don’t recognize. As you mentioned in the AK 47 statement. Justice is certainly not evenly distributed. Again well stated. 



    • Like (+1) 1
  11. On 8/24/2019 at 12:06 PM, TPS said:

    Mentioned this in a couple threads, but it deserves its own. They had him at LT last night with the 2s and 3s, and he looked very good in pass pro. I think he is the 9th OL on the 53. Did a great job at C last week on the fly. 


    Good trade by Beane as Harold wasn’t going  to make it. 

    Yup, when Barks fumbled it was Bates who recovered the ball. He is a good get by BB.


    Go Bills!!!

  12. From the little I have seen or read of Chad Kelly, I do not believe he has what it takes to be a QB1 in the league. He continues to do stupid things at every stop on his adventures in football.  The guy is a bit of a moron by all accounts. I of course could be wrong, but I don’t think so. The OP is correct though in that this is his only chance, and then only if the football gods are actually smiling upon him.


    Go Bills!!!

  13. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    Mixed reactions.  I think they're restrictive during the game.  I think game day discussions probably need to be free for all mess.  


    Bur I like rhem AFTER the game.  It makes sense for a day or two after the game to have the ads for o, d, qb, coach officiating.  There also should be a thread for general reactions to the game.  


    That doesn't mean that mods have to shut down other threads that people start.  Some limitations are necessary, but more threads is better than less.  More threads generate more discussion.

    I agree.  Having these general topic threads was useful, but they shouldn't be the exclusive threads on any topic.

     This ^^^^


    Go Bills!!!

  14. I think luck has made a good decision, his health is more important than football, any thinking individual would come to the same conclusion.


    It’s funny that many football fans appear to be more upset for themselves than Luck. In retrospect this is a good thing for any team that plays the  Colts. Better odds for a win.


     Do remember this is the way of the football life, when opposing players purposefully try to hit you as hard as they can get away with (purposely causing injury)  there will be an attrition rate, and luck is part of that, just like Eric Wood, and very many other players.  This is a case of potential greatness gone unfulfilled.


    Go Bills!!!



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