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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 1 hour ago, billsfan_34 said:

    Act Accordingly = most posters squabbling and the, my stick is bigger than your stick mentality. 

    I joined the board to alleviate this very problem, ya see, my stick is the absolute biggest ever, really no kidding, ya’ll believe me right...?


    Go Bills!!!

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:



    DB that quit at half time




    They don’t deserve our trust until they win on the field

    You take this all to seriously, your life won’t be fundamentally different,  roll with the flow. Me, I’ll be dead in 25 or 30 years, got no time to be upset about what a football team does or doesn’t do. 


    Go Bills!!!

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Stupid move by Beane or McDermott to cut McCoy.  

    If he lands in the right spot, he will outproduce any back left on this roster. 

    Past performance does not guarantee future results. I trust the team decision makers more than forum gurus, we fan types have all been wrong bunches of times.

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  4. 39 minutes ago, formerlyofCtown said:

    We dont have anyone at running back that is a HR threat, and yes McCoy even at 75% of his prime is still one.


    Wade needs to develope quickly.

    No RB is a threat at 75% output, kinda over stating that a bit.

    I will admit I thought McCoy was  gonna make the team, but as is often said, change is the only constant... 

  5. 11 hours ago, Sig1Hunter said:

    Huh? Just because they know that this is part of it doesn’t mean that when the dream is doused it is any less sad. They are humans, giving everything they have for their dreams. I imagine that it really sucks when they get told by the organization that they gave their all for that it just wasn’t enough. All those bonds that they built are immediately snapped. 


    “It’s part of the job”? Geez dude. Have a little humanity.

    Some people are the, “I got mine so F off” types,  they have no compassion for others. 

  6. 3 hours ago, John from Riverside said:

    In the very limited time Beane has been here......kinda hard to ignore the productivity




    His job is to put talent on the team so that we can win games.......


    He has done that


    And fairly quickly to given the fact that we have biult this team from the ground up in a full blown rebiuld.


    Cap under control


    Talent gotten


    Beane wizard.....but is he Gandolph the Grey or Gandolph the White?

    The Grey presently,  the white if we get in the playoffs, Super bowl, and he rides off with the elves....


    Go Bills!!!

  7. 10 minutes ago, Bills4Ever4Life said:

    It also annoys me when people stay seated during the anthem. It also annoys me when people don't put their hand over their heart or take off their hat or whatever. I was "brainwashed" since birth to show respect to the flag during the anthem by doing these things and it annoys me that others don't. I don't hate them. I don't want to hurt them. It just annoys me. Like nails on a chalkboard. I'll tell you what though. The next time a world war breaks out or a war breaks out where you need your freedoms defended, its the patriotism of those "brainwashed" volunteers that will be pushing them to put their lives on the line for you. I feel like so many people have forgotten that because their hasn't been a seriously devastating war on our own land in so long. 

     That’s a bit over the top.

    One does not need to be of that thinking to want to defend ones country. America is a great country, no doubt at all, but it does have its problems, just like all the individuals who make up America.


    Semper Fi



  8. 13 minutes ago, Bills4Ever4Life said:

    You are perfectly correct. So much so that long before this I removed that statement. If you knew me you would know that I misuse that statement and don't mean it in that actual context. I am actually pretty chill. You however do not know me and I put that out there to a bunch of people that had 0 context of who I am or how I would mean that. You could say it was more like a normal person saying "it really annoys me". I don't hate anyone.....maybe my ex wife :P.....so I am truly sorry that I stated it that way. 

    I then am happy to see a miscommunication, and move on.


    Go Bills!!!

  9. 1 hour ago, oldmanfan said:

    while this thread has nothing to do with football and should be moved to the politics section, I have to say it is a microcosm of what the problem is with our country today.  Instead of talking TO each other, we talk AT each other.  Instead of being able to realize that people can have different opinions on a given topic, and that it doesn't make them evil either way, we jump on folks who dare to speak something we don't agree with.

    For the record, I think it's great players kneel down and pray before and after games; at the end of games I think it's great that the teams come together to do so.  I am religious and like that, but if you're not and you don't like it then that is fine by me.  I simply disagree.  As for the anthem I always stand at games, take my hat off and face the flag as a show of respect.  I do not think it's a sign of trashing our military if a player decides to kneel during the anthem as a sign of protest against what he believes in mistreatment of minorities, he has a perfect right to do that so long as his employer is OK with him using company time as it were to do so.  I know some veterans whose blood boils at that, and I respect their thoughts on it, just as I know some veterans who believe they fought just so a player can choose to exercise his convictions in that manner.  And I respect their thoughts on the subject as well. 


    No one here is evil because they have a different opinion than you.  They simply have a different opinion.  We have to get to a point in this country where we all understand that, or we're going to fall apart.

    I agree with you, but when an individual states they have a “special hatred” for fellow  American citizens exercising their legal rights, I tend to have an issue with that.  That individual needs to spend time examining why they have hatred toward another human who is doing no harm.  Maybe that’s just me...

  10. 1 minute ago, Bills4Ever4Life said:

    I didn't even want to respond to this. I don't want to fuel the fire, but I just want to be VERY clear.


    A) I NEVER talked about taking away rights of anyone. I simply was using my own rights to put forth my own opinion

    B) This was NEVER my intent of this thread. I seriously was curious as to what was going on in the end zone and I let my emotional self take control of my rational brain. 

    C) If you or ANYONE would like to further discuss this with me you can do so in private message. Otherwise can we please talk about the original intent of the thread?

    Your right to speech is honored as it should be, but we should as a people not slip, by repressing other legal activities under other guise.  I am not a religious man per say,  but do support others rights to use the football field to express their right to prayer, even during the national anthem. 


    Semper Fi,


    Go Bills!!!

  11. I am a Marine Corp veteran, and have no issue with American citizens participating in social injustice protests, such legal protests have nothing to do with the United States military personnel, or veterans. Those that would convolute these legal protests into acts against military personnel and veterans are  violating the rights of American citizens.  The flag is not the military, it represents the country, worts and all.   All government employees are there to do work for the citizens not the other way around!  All military personnel serve to protect the rights and safety of the citizens who own this country. Protest for equal treatment of all citizens under the law is a Patriotic act. Why would a citizen work to take away a fellow citizens legal rights?  this would take away their own rights at the same time.  We are all citizens of a democratic republic, called America, Land of the free and home of the brave. So be brave, so we can all be free!!

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  12. 2 hours ago, Troll Toll said:

    Hate to say it, but there’s so many players with domestic abuse issues... I worry that some players would wear taking out the girl kicker as a badge of honor.

    I would hope not,  yet a possibility, We all read about acts of violence against women multiple times every year, and not just in the NFL. There are a lot of men in our society that are broken in this way. Sadly society as a whole does not take this issue seriously.  The numbers of women beaten or killed by men in America is frankly stunning.


    I hope Lloyd is successful in her attempt to be a kicker in the league, but the thought of a 250lb guy putting a hit on her while she is holding the ball after a  fumbled snap is a little bit frightening to say the least.


    Go Bills!!!!

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  13. 8 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Flores was pretty up-front and laid it out there:



    "When Rosen worked with the first-team offense,...... Flores was rightfully critical of his young player’s performance. Flores challenged Rosen to improve his body language and on-field demeanor, while adding Rosen needs to get rid of the football faster, and have better decision making regarding throwing risky passes while trying to avoid sacks.


    Flores also shared a hypothetical quarterback philosophy in recent weeks, where he said a young quarterback like Rosen should spend some time on the bench to absorb the offense, while developing a hunger and gratitude to have such an opportunity to be a starting NFL quarterback."


    Sounds as though Flores feels Rosen needs to be humbled a bit, as well as to do a better job of applying what he's been told. So he's applying a "tincture of Time (on the bench)"



    Na, na, don't be hasty.  Fitz named as starter for Game 1 does not mean Fitz will remain the starter for game 5, or game 6, much less game 16.

    This right here ^^^^


    And frankly it’s the obvious decision for the fish to make, it’s a bit baffling that some don’t grasp this.  Oh, and F the Phins


    Go Bills!!!

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