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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. 42 minutes ago, NoSaint said:


    Im thinking the past record of teams trading for high maintenance guys and being strict vs treating them as short term sideshows that you just keep between the ditches for 18 months favors the latter approach. You baby sit him and hope he shows up on Sunday if you pick up the guy. 


    if you are making the decision to get that guy - your making a decision to put up with some nonsense. At this point they are knee deep in a major commitment that’s fast unraveling. That’s not defending brown. It’s accepting reality that a GM isn’t going to suddenly change him as a human being and you knew what he was before getting him.

    Employing such a person is a mistake, by making exceptions so an employee is allowed to do what Brown is doing without retribution is always a mistake, such administrative behavior creates resentment with the bulk of  ones employees, then efficiency of operations declines, and end goals are rarely achieved. It’s always about the end goals. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Ok this is my last comment because you guys care a heck of a lot more about this than I do, but got like 30 replies. ???


    You and the others are completely missing the point.  I didn’t say not to hold him responsible, I said how he handled the relationship with AB.  You guys can’t seem to separate the difference in holding someone accountable and how you go about holding someone accountable.  


    I have literally explained my reasoning at least 10 times now and everyone keeps replying with the same comments that aren’t even what I am saying.


    Mayock took a hard line stance with a diva player.  Never going to work with a guy like Brown.  AB doesn’t respond well if he doesn’t feel like he can trust someone like Mayock or if he feels disrespected.  As a GM, you have to understand that and taking those comments in August to the media was a big mistake by Mayock.  He shound have kept it private and talked to AB man to man only.  He could have sat AB down man to man and discussed their stance in the fines instead of sending him a letter too.


    It’s  just my opinion, but I called this when Mayock made those comments in august that he was going to lose the trust of AB and something small was gonna set up a blowout.  


    And I honestly don’t care at all about the Raiders, AB, etc.  But also just trying to respect posters here and respond but now it’s too much to keep up with.  My simple opinion is that Mayock handled AB poorly and while AB is obviously to blame, Mayock also hasn’t helped the situation and contributed to turbulent relationship with AB.


    And, why is it only Mayock has a bad relationship with AB?  I mean no one else on the Raiders has this bad relationship with him.  All his coaches and trainers seem to love him and players have all seem to have taken to him too.

    Spin, spin, spin, someone’s getting dizzy..  

  3. 1 hour ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    $1000 or whatever amount you want bet right now (someone find the thread please) where I once wanted AB.  Find one post from the thread that said I wanted him or pay me $1000.  Or just shut up and admit you’re liar.


    trust me, I’ll gladly admit when I’m wrong but I’m not going to have some come with some made up BS.  So put your money where is or just admit you talked out of your butt. You’re just making things up and it’s a bad look.

    I’m thinking someone is getting dizzy from the centrifugal forces being applied.

  4. 12 hours ago, T master said:

    There are only 32 people in the entire world that owns a NFL franchise & i think he turned him down  for that reason .

    There are over 2100 billionaires on the planet at last count, most appear to have no interest in owning an American football team, judging by how few show interest when a team is up for sale. It seems to be an American thing by and large. I wonder if a name will ever get leaked, or as someone alluded to, it could be a unfounded rumor. 

  5. Being that American football is not a world sport, and mostly ignored by the rest of the world, the number of potential candidates for the program is likely not that big, as well  familiarity with how the game is played is rather low, see Christian Wade’s learning curve as an example. Also Wade is making far less money right now than he was playing rugby, so other elite athletes from around the world are going to take a large pay cut for a long period of time, and maybe never get that big contract. So the draw is not that big in all reality.


    Go Bills!!!

  6. 4 hours ago, VW82 said:


    I never once said Duke can't make it in the NFL. I said he's not a great fit with Josh. Duke needs a QB who can throw in a tight window because he struggles gaining separation. Josh needs a receiver who can get open because he struggles with ball placement. Pretty simple. 


    I disagree with your assertion that Josh will fail if he can't make ALL the anticipation throws that every other good QB makes. It's not that black and white. These guys all have their own strengths and weaknesses. We didn't draft Peyton. We drafted Cam. I'd much rather Josh pulled it down and ran rather than make an anticipation throw he isn't comfortable with, or just move on to his next read or check down. Play to his strengths. If we try and force him to be something he's not, then yes he will fail. 


    I watched the practice clip from today. Nowhere did I see Duke getting open. I saw him make tough, contested catches on well placed balls where the defender had his hands all over it. Duke is clearly good at that. 

    I’m guessing that this bit of practice purposely had the defender grabbing Duke throughout the route, to see How well he handles the pressure, and he makes the catch both times.  Getting open is fine, but catching the ball is more important every time.


    Go Bills!!!


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