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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. My heart strains for your loss, you have your family to lean on, and all of us here to support you as best we can🙏
  2. A Ron is a classic example of the Dunning Kruger Syndrome…, sadly there’s a lot of that going around nowadays…,
  3. To each there own, it happened, I acknowledged it, I moved on, Ya can’t undo the past, so why carry that luggage around for ever?
  4. Yup, no use lingering in the past, especially when it sucked, 😂
  5. Josh will start to run out of time in about ten or so years, what Josh needs more than anything else is two boundary WRs that get separation and CATCH the ball, he already has the short to medium route guys. Give him that and an OC that knows what he is up to and we will be fine.
  6. This is not an uncommon occurrence in threads here, hell, people don’t even mention what happened on plays or what the score is in the GDT, I have become accustomed to this and end up going back several pages to see who is being referenced, SOP for message boards.
  7. I too was in on Allen, one of the few times I was right about a draft pick 😂
  8. Good to see a division opponent in Turmoil, makes our path to success all the more attainable, 😁👍
  9. Remember back a few seasons ago when we had the worst receiver room in the league, and Beane and McDermott went into the next draft repeatedly saying that they wanted receivers that had good hands and speed as a priority…, we need this as a priority again. What we need is (“fast boundary receivers that can run a whole route tree, with great separation skills and glue for hands”) 🤞. We essentially have been running one guy (Diggs) into double teams and two high sets, without a #2 wr that can draw away coverage on a regular basis, this needs to be a priority fix. Don’t care how they do it as long as they are successful implementing it . It will be interesting to see what Joe Brady’s offense develops into with a better # 1b / #2 option.
  10. I was referring to “ the weatherman” not you,
  11. Don’t bother with this guy, he is on a constant whining rant, just look at his last ten or so posts, says it all right there,
  12. This is likely true, there are some places where taking the HC gig is detrimental to one’s career, Washington has been that place for some time now, granted there is new ownership and a good cap situation, but it is a complete unknown organization at this time, but someone will take the chance, and accept the pay check offered,
  13. Like any weatherman, your posts here exhibit why you are wrong the majority of the time…
  14. “If” a coach did such a thing, he would be inviting the same in response, are you willing to watch Allen take cheap shots all game long? that and Marshawn Lynch is a not someone to take advice from…
  15. Yup, Hopefully at least one of those WRs is a high round pick and is ready to play out of the gate.
  16. No, not sarcasm, but Like any weatherman he is wrong most of the time…
  17. It’s not so much the plays themselves, it is when in a sequence of plays that a given play is called, and what formation it is run out of, in an attempt to get the defensive to hesitate in coverage, then it comes down to execution, and the talent to pull it off, jmo.
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