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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. It “was” mostly because the Buffalo Bills sucked in most every facet of football ownership and football play, and did billsy stuff for the better part of twenty years, the team “was” not a winning or positive image for the league, and the league had no reason to advertise the organization during prime time, it’s that simple. 


    Now that the ownership and coaching is tracking in an obviously positive direction the league will be more inclined to advertise the team. 

    Its all image with the league, we now have a real QB, backed by a well run organization, and..., wait..., it’s coming, we are winning, and as we all know, winning fixes everything. 


    That is all,


    Go Bills!!!

  2. It’s more of a case of leniency on the refs part, favoring some teams more than others, an example of this is the cowboys game, they hit Josh while he is sliding and the cowboys are given a warning, (video footage shown on this forum) not a penalty that should have been applied, again leniency, and that shows a favoritism that is not applied to all teams. That’s all I got. 


    Go Bills!!!

  3. 6 hours ago, Stampede said:

    Didn't Marv Levy say (and I paraphrase): "If you blame the refs for losing you didn't deserve to win"?


    Wasn’t he the guy who said something along the lines of, over officious jerk ? No matter what folk here say, the ref calls effect the outcome, just think of how many petty holding calls stall what would have been scoring drives, it’s happened to us numerous times, and sometimes The calls are so bad it boarders on cheating on the behalf of some teams. Jmo.


    Go Bills!!!

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