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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. To the OP, that could very well have been the case, but the team going forward, especially the defense will be substantially different personnel wise. The offense will have an OC that will have installed his own system/schemes and is likely to look different as well, with some new guys there as well, I suspect the team will be in the fight all season long, win another AFCE crown, and I hope will go further in the post season, every season is new and what happened last year is no longer relevant.
  2. From what I’ve watched It’s a league with bad QBs that is pretty much a step below NFL practice squads in talent, it could very well “develop” “over time” into an actual feeder league, if it doesn’t go bankrupt in relatively near future, ( the NFL already has a huge feeder league via the college ranks) its business plan will need really deep pockets to keep it afloat long term. I guess it could be like watching triple or double A baseball teams, which can be fun, when I lived in Rochester I liked going to Red Wings games,
  3. Gabe is a good guy, had some shiny moments here, sadly he dropped 45% of his opportunities during his career in Buffalo, when your #2 wr is known more for his blocking than his catching it’s time to move on, anyway, good luck to Gabe in his future,
  4. Yup, Better at it than anyone who posts here, I’m not concerned in the slightest, Beane knew all of this cap fun was coming a year plus ago, and knew he wasn’t resigning the guy from the get go. I’m certain he has this well in hand, but feel free to fret over it,
  5. It is a topic of GRs worth, and should he be paid or let go, when we all know he will be here for the next two seasons, it’s a fruitless exercise presently, it is you who misunderstand your own thread, 😁👍
  6. I love meaningless off season chatter, I especially love it when folk take this nonsense seriously, 😁👍 everyone knows the Frenchman isn’t going anywhere for the next two seasons…,
  7. No its not, at this point its meaningless off season chatter, what we need here is more meaningless combine chatter…, and fire McDermott threads, oh and don’t forget back up QB threads as well…,
  8. Well we are located in rumor and supposition central, so…, yeah its official.
  9. Agree, Actually hitting on the right drafted players and using them with regularity from the beginning of the season onward needs to happen for our defense going forward.
  10. I can’t begin to tell you how much just the thought of such a thing happening would suck…, Another example of the NFL owners Fuh king up a good thing, can ya say Greedflation?
  11. Christ people! I’m going on 65 years old, I can’t keep up the pace of year’s past, it’s time for the yougins to carry the load…,
  12. OT should be a full quarter/fifteen minutes, odds of a tie at that point is likely quite small with all the fatigue of having played a standard length game already, if still tied, the team that misses the first fifty yard field goal loses, lots of drama, ample opportunities for both team to win, it is the way to conduct overtime play.
  13. So y’all gonna have a community pouty competition about when y’all’s fed up with your favorite team then? hope it makes ya feel all warm and fuzy 😁👍
  14. It’s not like any of our “levels of patience” are relevant, it’s Terry Pegula’s level of patience that is relevant, and until he runs out of said patience this is an exercise in futility.
  15. Well, that is an understandable take, those folk are irritating at best. The O & D don’t need to be torn down they need an honest look at what they are doing that isn’t working and make appropriate changes in scheme and in game situational awareness to address the short comings, we have a well above average team that just needs some, imo, minor adjustments.
  16. Yeah, but let’s rehash this to death one more time…,
  17. It comes down to coaching and QB, Reid is better than McDermott on game day, and Mahomes makes more correct decisions on game day than Allen does, it really is that simple, both of our guys need to own this and learn from it, and implement the lessons. Yeah it sucks but it’s the truth.
  18. Well, the league is rife with Peds use and the excuses that are employed to get around the rules, anyone using knows there are risks if caught,
  19. True enough, Imo opinion it’s a bit of both, #1, Allen certainly can and should make a priority to learn from what Reid/ Mahomes do on the field to win, and implement those things, (taking the short pass to move the chains for starters) #2, at the same time our WRs one and two were both lacking in execution which resulted in mediocre to poor performances, an up grade to that room would be nice…,
  20. Agree, our WR room definitely has needs, one or two more legitimate receivers would go a long way in that direction, at the same time, Shaw66 is correct, our “D” needs not only to be refilled, it needs to have its schemes modified so that this endless fourth quarter/end of game failures get addressed, the seemingly purposeful sets that allow for easy five yard runs and passes to happen needs to be addressed. It’s quite frustrating to watch happen every postseason,
  21. We certainly need to fill / refill the “D” but that can’t be to the exclusion of the offense, as you alluded to, you are correct in that what was done in the past is irrelevant, it is what needs to be done going forward that is important (which is always the case). I by no means think that our situation with signed defensive players is as big an issue as some make it, Beane has been fully aware for a couple of years as to what to do about it going forward, and likely has the pieces lined up/ in play, after all, it’s what GMs do.
  22. Really? this is a gossip piece, we all know/knew that Bill was/is an azs hole, and that Brady went along with his questionable ethics knowingly.
  23. I would ask you these questions, Do you feel that the defense has held it’s own during post season games since our HC came on board? Do you feel that we have drafted top level offensive players during our drafts regularly since our GM came on board? Me, I think our HC & GM are pretty good at most things, but that a shift in priorities is long since over due in player personnel acquisitions on the offensive side of the ball, primarily in drafting top shelf prospects for our receivers group. Is that what you refer to as one dimensional thinking?
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