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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. With the addition of Samuel and the other receiver we signed we are officially up to our eye brows in slot type receivers, we so desperately need an X / boundary / speed guy as our WR2, I sure hope we don’t go all Billsey and pretend we are all set at WR, talk about hanging Allen out to dry for yet another season…,
  2. It’s just amazing that a QB that is known to have virtually zero on the field talent is still being signed by NFL teams as there backup after all these years, oh well, more power to him making large coin doing mostly nothing, what a sweet gig…,
  3. I sure hope so, it would be so typically Billsey to hang Allen out to dry for yet another season with in imo, a mediocre WR room like they did this past season, hoping for the best,
  4. There’s a fair chance you are right on this, hoping for the best,
  5. He is certainly a player of interest, but haven’t we seen very recently what thirty plus year old guys coming off of an ACL injuries look like on the field…, (Tre & Von) it’s likely to take all of this season and into next season before he is able to play the way we would all hope he can.
  6. Lol😂, okay then, be your dismal self as long as you continue to refrain from substantive comments I will stop pointing them out, how’s that for a deal 😁👍
  7. True enough, we do lack guys who’s attitude is to alway make a play for the ball when it’s passed to them, there are exceptions of course…, Oh so clever of you, 😁👍 The weatherman is so appropriate for you in which you are virtually always wrong,
  8. Yikes dude, you are a piece of work aren’t you, nuthin but luv, but try not to be so consistently dismal, thanks in advance 😁👍
  9. Opportunity knocking small chance, but ya gotta ask …,
  10. So, is he actually talented? Thats the real question here, has he beaten out anyone for playing time while in Vegas or wherever? Or is he just another JAG? Asking because I don’t know the answers to these questions,
  11. I suspect if he played 80% of snaps or more he “could” get up to ten sacks etc, but McDermott seams to not like allowing that much play time for any D - linemen…,
  12. How is this a benefit to the Bills? Really, is this guy useful or would he be padding his stats and moving on, in such case why bother?
  13. One is football ⚽️ , the other is American rugby 🏉 / 🏈 😁👍
  14. There is no way to know who may be injured at any point of the season, so that is a bit of a weak argument, just look at Aaron Rodgers in the first game of last season, Milano’s broken leg, etc etc, sh-t happens, there’s damn little one can do about it.
  15. Well, being it’s not yours, mine or anyone else here’s plan, and none of us will ever know the actual plan it is understandable that there may be confusion on the part of us fans, I guess we will just have to sit back and watch things unfold. 👍
  16. No, not even close, we have like three guys on any given year that can be considered elite, to many mid to slightly above mid level guys that generally get paid to much on hope and “upside”. Still a good team but that’s because of Allen’s never say die attitude,
  17. Most players are inconsistent sadly, that’s why the truly good ones make so much coin,
  18. And so it then appears that it was no big deal Edmunds was let go then…, Odds are we will be fine with out Morse at center as well, being the coaches are capable of making changes at need…,
  19. We could have done without the Cam Lewis signing, but that’s just me, 😂
  20. Plans? We don’t need no stinking plans
  21. Is that up to four million with incentives…,
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