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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Let’s discuss golf not being a sport, ? cause having someone else carrying your gear while walking in a park like setting certainly cannot be confused with an athletic endeavor... right... ??
  2. At 150 mph, sure is, there ain’t no weak fat boys in formula one...just think about the 24 hours of Le Mann’s average speed of 140 mph and peaks of 240 mph... no weaklings doing that for a living. ?? Go Bills!!!
  3. Way to go Beane, good to have our Dion payed and happy? Go Bills!!!
  4. From listening to Sean in today’s PC, all the concerns about his short comings, he knows, and states that he needs to be better and not think he’s “got there” because he got a contract extension. Some of us seem to look at his tenure in black and white terms, and because of that see no opportunity for him to get better as a coach, I think that is a short sighted way to think. Looking at SM’s body of work to include what was here in every aspect when he arrived, he has moved mountains, this team is nothing like the organization during the seventeen years of futility we endured. Me, I’m happy as a pig in sh-t with how much better things are compared to the lump of mediocrity it was. Go Bills!!!
  5. We should contact the Earl of Sandwich ? One might consider this to be in his realm of influence, ??but then again a hot dog ? is a sausage, so a Germanic culinary base of knowledge would be helpful in deciding such a question of high importance. Me, if you put food between bread ? it’s a sandwich ???, beer, now beer is important when sandwiches are being considered... discuss Go Bills!!!
  6. Not so much, say, being a driver of a formula one car and knowing if you F up you can kill yourself and or others would be considered more taxing....When does a QB find his actions life threatening for himself or others? So , no not the most taxing, difficult? Yes it can be, more so for some than others.
  7. Did JN kiss your girl Friend or something...? Go Bills!!!
  8. Good list GB, I agree with the majority of it, others have noted changes that I would make. It is always exiting to watch the final selections unfold. Go Bills!!!
  9. No way man, I’m going to Don Chuy for some Mexican food, ?
  10. Bwahhahahahahahaha, I just won twenty bucks on your predictably, F n awsome ?? thanks, Go Bills!!!
  11. So, we got this going for us ?? Sean came in with a plan, and a way to implement the plan. Good to know he will be a round for a while longer. Does anyone know how long the extension is for? Didn’t see it in the press clippings. Go Bills!!!
  12. Or just a selfish first worlder that has no functioning sense of community/common good, or care for his/her fellow countryman. You know, the “I got mine so F you” type of person. We need a vaccine for that as well.
  13. Beane & Co have shown a capacity to find the right players, I have faith that we will be just fine. Go Bills!!!
  14. This is because people are, well, shall we say, lacking in cognitive capacity... Or more plainly stated. They lack a sense of community and an obligation to there fellow man, that and they are stupid. Just sayin, ? Go Bills!!!
  15. You guys would never guess this, but I want to see Tawmy and Billy collapse in a spectacularly agonizing fashion, and handle it very poorly. while the Bills win the division and dare I say, the league Championship. Now that would warm the cockles of my heart. Go Bills!!!
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