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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Well that answers the kicker question now doesn’t it. The Bass O Matic has arrived! Go Bills!!!
  2. Preseason games are very important for evaluating players in a near game day environment, those that say and have said otherwise have always been wrong ?? Go Bills!!!
  3. You can hardly blame them, his track record last season and with the Fins doesn’t spark enthusiasm. Hope they extend him ?
  4. It evidently can actually happen ?? Go Bills!!!
  5. Your still not getting it, they are employees that have restrictions on what they are allowed to talk to the public about concerning their employers company, it is that cut and dry.
  6. That’s just a knee jerk willfully ignorant statement, and the sad part is you know it.
  7. Why is it that you present verbiage that reflects that you feel that it is okay for the police to regularly shoot people?
  8. Brown is an employee of the team, not an independent reporter, he is not supposed to say anything that the team doesn’t okay in advance. Murphy, Glab, Tasker and Brown are marketing employees, nothing more, it’s amazing that so many here don’t get that. And yes, media is marketing for all team employed reporters.
  9. ... and I believe that like I believe Josh is going to the practice squad... If your gonna go the propaganda route Bill at least attempt to sound credible...
  10. This statement reminds me of a saying I heard years ago, “dancing is like standing still only faster”
  11. Thanks, but I suspect you and several others here know more about football than I do by a long shot, Go Bills!!!
  12. I saw a clip from cover 1 saying that it is to try to distract Josh while in throwing motion, an exercise for Josh to maintain concentration during a throw, iirc.. Oh and fifty year old girls want it too... guys want to be him, girls want to be with him... Go Bills!!!
  13. No more than any other 3rd year player imo. Not that the additional reps are not important, but I believe that Josh will get past it by the end of the day tomorrow, he will handle it just fine. Go Bills!!!
  14. So this is another Beane having a look at some potentially useful player. I’m good with that, Beane do your thing! Go Bills!!!
  15. For those in the know, is D Lee good at his job?
  16. Really hope the worst for the entire organization, cheating pieces of ? from the top to the bottom. They deserve every bit of the problems they incur.
  17. He’s that certain brand of tool... Go Bills!!!
  18. You got that right, Sean will likely not be pleased with that description. Go Bills!!!
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