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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Stranger things in this world aye, What we have here are anything from WAGs, mere supposition, to educated guesses, in other words, not one of us knows for certain what will be the outcome of this upcoming season. I mean really who thought, Kirk Gibson was gonna hit a walk off home run? Thousands had already left the stadium thinking otherwise,
  2. Agree, it is long past the time to get a top shelf #1 / 2 wide out in the draft, being we have taken all of one WR with draft capital during this regime’s entire tenure. Diggs is still good, but he getting older and has been injured by the time the playoffs start for the past two seasons…, This draft is a prime opportunity to fill a long standing hole in the offense with above average talent, instead of the (we can make it work with cast off veteran receivers in FA) mind set, which has failed us in every post season. This team has got to stop with running it back with the same strategy that hasn’t worked in, how many seasons?
  3. The Bills will win the AFCE again, and go into the post season healthier than in previous seasons, our team is gonna be a contender yet again. sorry to disappoint you Chandler, 😂
  4. I’m not saying Beane is wrong in doing so, I’m saying that’s what he does, drafting for need imo is how the entire league does it, some GMs are overall just better at it / know there teams needs and the type of players that will fit those needs, we have all seen GMs that screw the pooch annually with their selections.
  5. This is true, his top picks always seem to be at position of need, he has alluded to this in past drafts, for Beane BPA is more so fourth round and lower, and even then it is for backup need,
  6. The cool ting about having sex with Hollywood starlets is he can do it all year long, golf? Golf is a reason to hang with your friends and drink, some say otherwise but they are misguided at best…, the off season is the time to eat poorly drink to much and not pay attention to football, something the fan base should become acquainted with.., 😁👍
  7. All People can be azs holes, this is just another example of that, what stands out is the ones that appear to enjoy being azs holes, especially the ones that are wealthy beyond compare, yet enjoy boning over their fellow citizens for money that those folk don’t have even when they themselves don’t have any actual need for the money they are screwing other people over to get, those are the sort of people that I have zero respect for, which unfortunately for football fans is every owner when it comes down to brass tacks.
  8. It is better stated that his QB needs to be better at hitting him in stride so he can get more YAC…, that and according to a poster (Beck Water) up thread 46% of his yards were YAC so there is that,
  9. Fingers crossed 🤞 I suspect it will happen more than in the recent past,
  10. Very likely to be similar career wise, Reid it seems has been open to changing his approach over the years to his team’s benefit, I’m hoping McDermott can do the same in Buffalo, time will tell,
  11. I am hopeful that Brady being able to install his own “play book” that scheming players open and the like happens far more frequently, 🤞
  12. Yeah, this is very likely the truth, not that Sean didn’t drag the team out of the perpetual laughing stock position they were in for what seemed to be forever, but Sean imo has plateaued and seems unwilling to make the minor adjustments to his overall team priorities/ scheme that could very well win a championship, but I always hope for the best,
  13. Being that there is no noise from the Allen camp or our receivers doing “camps” in the off season as of late, one could conclude that Josh is not “working at it” like he had been in the past…, The above is just speculation, but it does draw attention to the question.
  14. No, all he does is have sex with Hollywood elite actresses, I thought everyone knew this…, it appears “cantankerous” has no sense of humor / sarcasm, 😂
  15. No worries, Just wait, it will be a safety as our first pick next week…,
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