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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Hamlin has fallen for one of the classic blunders, much like getting involved in a land war in Asia, or going up against a Sicilian when death is on the line…, He makes himself look the fool by responding at all…, never wrestle with pigs son…,
  2. Agree, I have not seen this Josh “hate” that this thread is about. You put it nicely and to the point about Allen’s play, when Josh gets the consistency down he will then have a real chance to win it all with the Bills, until then he will be a very good quarterback that “may” not win it all during his career, jmo.
  3. So in other words, what y’all are saying is that the product is mediocre at best…,
  4. Bet he’s banging his moms girl friends,
  5. Happens every post season, and our good but not great HC runs back the same scheme every post season, and just can’t wrap his mind around making changes so its less likely to happen again. I like McDermott. He and Beane dragged the Bills kicking and screaming out of a 17 year long sh-t show, and I for one truly appreciate that effort, but its time Sean makes some adjustments for Christ sake, jmo feel free to disagree at your leisure.
  6. Okay, not sure what you’re getting at, in response to my response to another poster but whatever, 😁👍
  7. The phrase, “ Florida Man” exists for a reason…, it covers the entire range of social and economic life down there,
  8. True enough, part of how I see it is that we need a guy who can pull coverage in their direction to help free up other receivers, something that imo was lacking from out 2nd boundary receiver the last couple seasons. Frankly I don’t care how Beane gets the guy, as long as it happens.
  9. If that were to happen and Beane actually has a trading partner, and we get the wideout we need…, I don’t care how it is achieved, as long as it happens, like I said, opportunity is knocking.
  10. I hope to continue my streak of never having seen a hard knocks show, I like football for the games, not the nonsense. Like the Fleetwood Mac lyrics say, “ Players only love you when they’re playing”…,
  11. I sure hope so, opportunity is knocking and I’d like to think Beane is gonna open the door at 28, and invite in our next WR weapon. But sadly I am ready for the disappointment of yet another rotational D-line guy…for our ever so vaunted post season defense…,
  12. Ya know, He could be saying exactly what he is gonna do, knowing full well that nobody is gonna believe a word of it, me, I expect to be completely disappointed when we take another receiver in the fifth round so that Justin Shorter has somebody to hangout with…,
  13. Speaking of Bills fans, I talked to a woman in full Bills regalia today at the Publics grocery store on sea island parkway in Beaufort SC, we chatted up the team a bit she moved here 23 years ago, was raised and lived in Cuba NY, the cashier thought we were cute, and ya know I think we were, 😁👍 I’m thinking this is more interesting than this thread, but it could just be me…, 😁🍸🚬
  14. There is essentially no need to do so, we can get an acceptable WR at 28 in this draft,
  15. Shoulda coulda woulda…, Jauron never won sh-t, ya can’t play the make believe card, McDermott has Beane and Allen, so he has been reasonably successful, can’t be argued otherwise,
  16. The huge difference is that Jauron didn’t win sh-t, he barely had winning records, where as McDermott has won The AFCE repeatedly and goes to the playoffs annually, this coming from a fan that feels Sean plateaued /peaked as a HC with the 13 second game, and his “ vaunted” defensive scheme is ineffective against elite level teams. I think the difference between fans like me and you is I always hope for the best, and I have other hobbies…,
  17. Remember, we are talking about the ultra rich class of the world here, these people don’t give a Fuh k about what we say or do, its a whole different galaxy that they reside in.
  18. Well, we are talking about the Jets now aren’t we? So it is very conceivable that what you are stating is exactly what the Jets won’t do…,
  19. Being that “it” wasn’t getting done with the guys we let go…, Beane likely feels his strategy is a lateral move with more upside at the very worst. From what I have read here we will be something like 17 million give or take under the cap when the Tre White cut becomes official, Beane has this under control. Sit back and enjoy the show, 😁🍸🚬
  20. It would be even nicer to score a #1 / 2 WR…, just sayin,
  21. Yeah, youth is wasted on the young, Kids nowadays, they’re just like we were, Get off my lawn, Stop having “relationships with cute starlets, President and Chiefs administrator of the Old Crumudgeon Club, 😁😆🤣😂
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