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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. After watching both these teams, they are not good, that said go donkeys
  2. Fitz has more passing yards in one drive... I kid... 😁
  3. Broncos up at the half 13-10 I’ve never rooted for the broncos before, go donkeys!!!
  4. I would say we have all seen his potential, what we may not have yet seen is that potentials fruition... Go Bills!!!
  5. It does appear that it should, doesn’t it... in hind sight it is starting to appear to have been a somewhat lazy way to cover up for not evaluating guys they are unfamiliar with. I’m not sayin the HC isn’t doing an overall acceptable job, he is. but he has let past preferences keep him from making what would be better decisions for his present circumstances. Go Bills!!!
  6. It is pretty obvious that the D line players that were let go, starters and rotational/backup guys, and Star opting out, were better at their jobs than those that they were replaced with. It seems to not have been a well thought out set of decisions on what D line players to retain, the results of those decisions reflects poor evaluations skills by the HC and his coordinators. The end results speak for themselves. Don’t break up a D line unit that is doing well, and end up spend ing an equal amount or more money on their replacements that then perform at a lesser level. Here’s to hoping this turns into a learning opportunity for our decision makers... Go Bills!!!
  7. So would I, but guys like Brady won’t be playing cause they aren’t likely to be mobile enough, to play in those schemes, but as is the way of things, it will rotate back to pocket passers at some point, even bell bottoms got popular again for a little while, 😁
  8. So the NFL is turning into college football, this is just what some folk said was inevitable, and others of course said wouldn’t happen. College coaches for some number of years have not given a hoot about “NFL” style play, and in doing so have forced the league to use/adapt to the type of players college coaches are developing, and we are watching it happen..., really if ya think about it, it’s not much of a surprise, Go Bills!!!
  9. Ya gotta remember Scottlaw has descriptive hyperbole issues, he likes to over/under state players abilities/ impact, nuthin but luv Scott... we all got issues 😁 Go Bills!!!
  10. Its hard for a team to shed the reputation that 17 years of futility creates, that’s why we have had to over pay FAs, if they even consider Buffalo at all. It is going to take likely two more winning seasons with playoff runs and conference titles to fully shed the, “ being Billsy “ thing, crappy teams reps last a long time... it is changing, but it will take more time than fans want to accept. Go Bills!!!!
  11. Beane with good input from the organization has done well with his picks, I actually look forward to the draft since he and SM have been on the seen, previously the bills drafts have been examples of what not to do...jmo. Its been good having adults in the room for a change. Go Bills!!!
  12. Punters? Are they really football players? Aren’t they part of the 3rd rail/ red headed step child of football, being a special teams player, that teams only have because they are forced into it...
  13. I hear ya on that, Boston and some nasally NYC accents are right up there with what you said 😁
  14. For me, 1) the Bills need to have a consistent run game to intersperse into their pass first offense, this is the number one thing on my list that they need to make happen, 2) figure out how to stop the opponent from running the ball on the bills defense,’ “learn to tackle” 3) realize that Dawson Knox needs to take a back seat, use Kroft, Sweeney, and the fullback at TE, (and teach Knox how to catch and block), those other three can all catch a ball and block. 4) get our guys healthy!!!! The stretch is upon us and we need everyone healthy!!! Oh and kick Josh Norman in the ass a few times Covid... just means he didn’t do the things he was supposed to be doing, it cost us a game, all of this is jmo. Go Bills!!!
  15. I thought it was his soul that he was selling...
  16. Jack Kemp was a man... tb uses more product than any ten women you know, he is a little “B”. What is making football worse is excessive use of instant replay, and referee favoritism, along with the refs obviously not knowing the rules, or how they are intended to be applied. it truly makes some games appear to be on the fix because of that favoritism, and lack of rule application knowledge. It is more and more pronounced every year.
  17. You did notice that it was said in jest. Right? 😁
  18. I didn’t say cut him, but benching him as a way to drive the point home, kicking him in the shins and IR ing him works for me, 😁 as to Sweeney, Knox going to IR would do the trick 👍
  19. With Lee and Dawson we’ve got the unfortunate penalty thing taken care of... 😁 Go Bills!!!
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