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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. In the last two seasons it hasn’t been Diggs, hell, Shakir has been there, they both dropped TD passes, and Diggs had no excuses , Diggs is good, but injury prone, he is no longer a #1, he signed to a team that he will be their #3 before the end of next season…,
  2. if so not for long, sadly for Diggs he has become injury prone over the last couple of seasons, and disappears in the post season, that’s not what one wants as a “ 1b” receiver, he will be a slot type of guy for one or two seasons then get likely gets waived/cut. Age is a SOB when you’re a pro athlete.
  3. He was already losing his target share during the last seven games of last season, now he is the #3 guy for Houston,
  4. Mitchell would be nice, then McConky (sp) a bit later in the draft,
  5. The 2nd next year was the best offer any team in the league was going to offer, Diggs is not viewed as a #1 by anyone outside of a bunch of stubborn Bills fans,
  6. Parts of Cover 1 are a good watch/listen like when they review tape, some of there content providers seem to think their opinions are all that and a bag of chips…,
  7. Just watch one Bills live, Cosell (sp) from NFL films was on, and he said the league dictated Diggs worth, and that the league did not see Diggs as a #1, he also said that this trade didn’t all of a sudden happen, that a considerable amount of time was consumed in contacting teams for potential trades, and what they got was as good as they could find, that and Diggs will not be getting the amount of targets he got in Buffalo, etc etc. so it appears Beane did as well on this as could be expected, and there you have it.
  8. Diggs was a non factor the 2nd half of this past season and performed poorly in the past two seasons during the playoffs, Diggs has been slipping, he is still good, but as I stated in another post, he is a whiny aze hole, who’s performance hasn’t stood up to his own hype, the team is obviously going through a reorganization, and Diggs would be worth even less next season, and likely cut/waived with no compensation at all, lots of knee jerk responses in this thread…,
  9. You sure are beating a drum about something that is conjecture at best, but whatever, you seem willing to die on that sword,
  10. Look around the league, rookie WRs are doing very well, Diggs is still good, but he is an azs hole, and nobody likes azs holes, especially when they fall flat in the playoffs for two consecutive seasons, it had to be done, next year he worth even less,
  11. If you have read any of my posts concerning the defense…,
  12. We’re we winning with Diggs with his last two seasons playoff performances? I mean really, it was time, especially with the abundance of WR talent available.
  13. Yes the Pink bunny suit was the last straw,
  14. Beane didn’t do this trade and not have a plan, the guy doesn’t take a dump without a plan. Fans always think there guys are worth more than they are, Diggs has been for the most part a non entity in in the playoffs for two seasons in a row now, on top of his whinny BS, this sort of performance gets people fired in the real world, or in this case traded. Frankly I’m not concerned in the slightest over this, my bet is that the offense becomes less predictable and more dynamic. Chill out and watch what transpires between now and training camp, it’s all good.
  15. Agree, The defense scheme has pretty much failed every post season, yet we continue to roll out the same soft zone / contain style defense annually, at some point one would think that some modifications for the post season are in order. I as well think Shaw66 in correct in how he describes how Josh can be a better QB for the team, that does not mean it Josh’s fault all the time, it just means he could stand to improve an aspect of his craft, just as our post season defense could stand improvement…, when a team is good like the Bills, it’s the incremental improvements that will put them over the top, jmo.
  16. And there in lies the rub,
  17. It’s not so much the players, but more so the defensive play calling, and the soft zone / contain style defense that needs adjustments in the post season, especially in the last half of the fourth quarter, where the current scheme/ play calling fails with regularity. We have all watched our opponents offense march down the field and handle the Bills defense with apparent ease. Either the coach is screwing up or the players are screwing up, and both are on the coaches to fix. Me, imo it is the soft zone / contain style defense that needs changing under those circumstances, jmo.
  18. Actually folks like me predicted the NFL would become major league college ball years ago, and it has, and will continue to do so, put that in your pipe and smoke it, lol. you’re going to die on this sword aren’t you…, 😁👍 and yes NFL coaches have been forcing square pegs into round holes for a long time, that’s why so many teams continuously under achieve…,
  19. So I take it you feel that you’re the first guy to think of this, and that no kicker, or STs coach has ever given any consideration to this hypothetical premise? Next thing ya know you will propose a kitchen sink disposal and make millions, millions I say…, I so do love this board, it shows I’m not the only one with “Ideas” 😁👍
  20. I agree that that coaching is very important, as an example, look at the UConn mens basketball team, Hurley has turned that program into a juggernaut. Having a group of the right guys is more important than having one guy who is elite, I believe that Samuel will be good, I also believe he will be even more effective with a quality #2 boundary guy forcing defenses to spread their coverage out over a larger area of the field, jmo.
  21. For the most part I agree with what you’re getting at, the flaw with the Bills defense is regardless of who we roster we play the same soft coverage / contain zone defense, that has its well noted flaws. As to offensive weapons, a more dynamic #2 boundary guy with better hands would make the entire offense more effective, especially with the style of offense the Bills always seem to play, that is the missing piece. Yes we have a variety of perceived needs at various positions, but we tend to cut this particular corner when it comes to filling out the offense. We haven’t had nearly as dynamic a WR group since Brown and Beasley were playing well, it’s past time to fill that Brown spot on the roster, we have the slot well filled, again jmo.
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