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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. He very likely will be, considering that none of our RBs are particularly a draw for other teams, so trade value is very low for any of them. There is a very good chance that what we have is what we will go with... we just need to actually give some level of priority to the run game and we will be fine in that regard.
  2. Yes, yes they do, and the players know it, both parties are aware of social media ramifications, and behave themselves as it were, SM is not about his guys bringing a bad image to the organization, it’s like what our Sargent Major used to tell us back when I was in the Marine Corp, don’t embarrass me, and I won’t embarrass you, although he used different language...
  3. I believe it marks what had been posted at your last visit to the thread... I’m thinking we use different verbiage to say similar things...
  4. It was the year Ford was drafted, I watched the interview on the Bills app, it was one of the alerts they send out to show what’s going on with the team, normal stuff the marketing people do. As I said, I believe that Beane was addressing a plethora of needs that draft, and really did need to fill them, I think he did a fine job frankly, again now that the roster is so much farther along than at that point, Beane has a lot more leeway to go for a player he sees as BPA, in the early rounds. Frankly I think that this is going to be a very good draft for us, it will be fun to watch it go down.
  5. As to being on notice, I don’t think Ford or Feliciano are being put on notice any more than what is usual for this FO/HC. The FO is more so making certain that they have the needed talent at depth positions to last an entire season and postseason of nicks and dings, everyone is required to prove their metal every season on this team. I wouldn’t read anything more into it than that. Remember, who was not re-signed, Nseki, Winters, etc, gotta have their replacements ready to go, and all the better when those replacements are a step better than those who were let go.
  6. I would agree with all, but only 95% on #3, as Beane himself has stated during draft interviews in the past that he has drafted need early on, frankly I was surprised at the time that he openly admitted doing so. I think this was primarily because he had a lot of needs that needed filling during those earlier drafts. Now that our roster is far more established, Beane does have a lot more leeway / freedom to go true game changing player in the early rounds. Beane is a clear minded thinker, and luckily he’s working for us. I’ll be waiting anxiously for the gut punch he delivers to the rest of the league in the early and later rounds, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  7. As long as we maintain our passing game, and get our running game ducks in a row, and the D is no worse than last season, we’re going to win regardless of who we play,
  8. There would be far less issues if the actual rules were enforced, such as the fumble and ensuing TD by the Bills in that playoff game, the actual rules say it was a fumble and a TD, what causes the problems is the refs not enforcing actual rules and then you get BS rulings on the field. We won that game if the rules were followed. That said it’s far to late now, no need to continue fretting about it further.
  9. He would be a good add, but ask yourself this, which of our wideouts is going to get less targets? Diggs? not likely, Davis?, he had iirc eight TDs, McKenzie, he had six or eight TDs, Beasley, he had a bunch as well, someone who was doing real well for us is gonna have to go without those targets...the pie can only be cut in so many pieces before in becomes counter productive. on top of that, it’s the run game that as of this past season was certainly not elite, and is what needs to be worked on to round out the offense as it were. Gotta keep your priorities straight, and not lose track of the bigger picture, nice to have is not as important as need to have...,
  10. Watched it the other day, it kind of said to me that the run game was not particularly done well from coaching / schemes, to player execution, it was as if it was an afterthought in the offensive play book. But you can bet your azsez that is going to change, we won’t become a 50/50 offense, but you can know that when a run play is called it will now be as equally well executed as a pass play, or heads gonna roll so to speak, we are going to see a team that isn’t going to so much run more, but run more effectively, and hell, isn’t that what we all want..,
  11. Is the bar in Buffalo...
  12. Of course not all hopes, that would be silly, think of it like this, Star, after a year off being healed up of all his dings etc, could be in a position to shine as it were, it to me is a given that Star will be in good physical condition upon return, he doesn’t strike me as the Dareus type, so I’m not concerned about that stuff, it’s the getting back into the swing of things/ playing shape and the like, by game #1 he will be good to go.
  13. What Shaw66 said, it’s all part of building an organization that will be successful over the long haul, Beane and McDermott are not interested in being good for two years and then falling back into the abyss of mediocrity and bad decision making that marks far to many years of the Bills existence, the odd thing is that a vocal few here really dislike what they are doing, go figure, right...,
  14. On top of Ralph Wilson loaning money to the Raiders, he is rumored to have financially propped up the Boston patriots as well...,
  15. As said, EOs performance has been a result of our lack of an effective 1 tech on the D line, we as fans can only hope that with the return of Star, and the possible acquisition of a drafted 1 tech we may be in a better situation this up coming season. I am quite sure SM & BB have a clear understanding of this.
  16. If you re read what I wrote you would see that I am not white knighting in the slightest, nor have I castigated any particular group, just those that feel that it’s okay to beat up women, if you as a women don’t want an ally, that’s on you. Me, I’m going to continue to call out these misogynistic dirt bags and those that in effect support them through their inaction. Do have a thought about pushing away those that are on the right side of this issue.
  17. Under / over, how many ranking selections will be wrong? I’m going with 70% / 30% to the being wrong side, it’s likely to be even higher... 😁
  18. Wrong! It is absolutely men abusing women, to think otherwise is being complicit in the continued inaction in dealing with this non stop problem.
  19. This behavior is nothing new in America, many many men beat up and otherwise treat women as second class citizens all the time, just look at the last five years of just the NFL players who have done this, then if you have the stomach for it, look up police records for domestic abuse in your state, and then nationally. .. this has been and IS an on going problem for women, and too many men don’t think it’s particularly important..., because it continues to happen every damn day, there are a lot of broken men out there perpetuating this behavior, and our society in effect does nothing about it.
  20. I’ve stated similar things in threads this past and post season, as being the reason for our O line issues, and yet there are still folk that want to cut trade or just get rid of a big chunk of our O line, makes me wonder if they pay any attention to what is actually going on with the team, on the bright side it makes it easy to discount what they say...
  21. Good, total piece of 💩, just like his teammates, HC, and the rest of that organization.
  22. The thing is though, there are more players that do turn it off, than don’t, those that don’t are the low life women beater /criminal types in our society, they should get what they give as part of their punishment.
  23. And awful lot of Football players over the last many many decades that are not what one would call pillars of society..., there is a long long history of some players being low life swine in their non football playing spare time, fans don’t want to here it, but it’s true, these are violent people, who get paid to be violent for a living, and a certain percentage appear to have little self control off the field. I’m not saying ALL, I am saying far to many.
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