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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. You guys gotta stop reminding us that those things happened so regularly, my involuntary twitch is gonna come back..., Arrrgh! Please stop... 😂
  2. Speed and size is a difficult get at LB for us it appears, that would certainly help, better scheming/personnel usage would also help.
  3. Yup, he has issues, it is especially obvious when he tries to throw a pass, the guy has so little arm strength that he has to use his entire body to throw the ball, and even then there is no zip on the ball. Tua does not generate functional velocity on his passes, at some point this past season somebody posted QB stats on throwing velocity and Tua ranks near the bottom of qualifying QBs league wide, imo Tua will be a mediocre BU QB in a few years.
  4. True, but the more this is considered, the more it is run play scheming that is the actual culprit on offense, imo SM/LF get a bit stuck in their ways and lack creativity concerning the D side of this conundrum.
  5. The guy is clutching at straws, it reeks of jealousy, being that he gets to look forward to Tua, being “a Tua” all season long again..., 😁
  6. ooof, more than he was bargaining for... 😁 for Dion it was like tossing a box of cereal across the kitchen, boy these guys are big and freaking strong 💪
  7. I don’t know, maybe its because guys leave... maybe its because Sean and Brandon haven’t been able to get the guys they really want, maybe the Bills are now a known quantity and are taken far more seriously, I mean why did the Donald lead Rams defense fail against our offense, in fact why did defenses fail fifteen times against us last season, it’s a hard game played by hard men, it’s hard to win in the NFL..., maybe I’m waiting for you to come out and blame and Levi Wallace, and Devon Singletary... maybe I’ll go get another beer 🍺... 😁👍 Oh and thanks for this opportunity...
  8. The hype machine is in full swing..., TL certainly shows potential, but as what’s his name said, “ potential means you haven’t done sh-t yet” lets see how this plays out in real football, he could be great, he could be a mediocre BU QB in five years..., we shall see.
  9. And that is the key point, Beane will only go as far as a players actual/real time impact on the team as a whole, improvement wise, he does not just jump on the next shiny toy, he is more calculating than that.
  10. That is certainly an option for our FO, and I would not be surprised in the least if that was what ends up happening. Beane likes to go after players he feels make a difference.
  11. It’s not about me, its about the reality of the current situation, and the best known information we as a species have to counter this virus, it’s not that complicated...
  12. Just saying out loud what I have heard, read, and seen first hand from that minority of our fellow Americans...
  13. It does show that most of us do not have the Knowledge/ skills that Mr Beane has...
  14. When a team becomes formidable, you know that the FO is doing things correctly, it becomes all the more notable when a team goes from what the Bills were..., to what they are now , this pre-draft show says this out loud.
  15. Got the alert on the Bills app, Good for Marv, he is a deserving selection.
  16. The hysterical thing about this is that these folk who did the study seem to have forgotten that humans throughout our history of alcohol production enjoy being in an altered state on a regular basis, as well, look at the amount of alcohol that is purchased in America alone, it’s “ inconceivable “ that those doing the study haven’t figured out that a large amount of said alcohol is consumed in a variety of normal ceremonies such as sporting events, hitting the pub after work, just about any gathering of friends / family, the whole bloody world gets a buzz on in a like manner... this is absolutely nothing new in any way shape or form. Although this “study” will generate a lot of clicks, to the benefit of the web site, it will likely be misused in the future.
  17. Thanks for posting this information, I’ve referenced your work in a couple posts, it is great to see how well they are doing.
  18. Fuh K him, and that whole organization top to bottom.
  19. Those other teams have some catching up to do...🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🍻🍺
  20. I forgot that Sammy Watkins has confirmed that the earth is flat, how silly of me...
  21. This is gonna upset some of the detractors... ya know, because we didn’t draft that big WR, and traded Sammy Watkins, and, and, and, what’s his name,that other guy too... Makes me lol every time I see someone post that stuff... 😁
  22. I could just see Maddy wagging her finger at Stefon... 😁
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