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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Believe what you like, virtually no one thought of Josh as a running QB, most saw him as a big strong armed QB with lots of flaws,( that he worked on by the way ) he was deemed an “elite” athlete after he showed he could actually run the ball, not before hand. Singletary will improve just sit back and enjoy it when we choose to run the ball.
  2. Well, unless LJ has taken the necessary steps to be a markedly better passer, doing what Brooks said can be as viable plan. What’s the under over LJ has spent this off season working on being a more complete QB, and actually gaining those skills...?
  3. Of course it’s a puff piece, and so was every piece about Josh training to get better, and ya know what? Josh got way f ing better, and Devon can get better as well, he is doing the same types of things but only for a running back that Josh did as a QB to get better, sounds like you all poo poo anyone working on technique and execution of their craft..., it’s what all the good players do, every season, but whatever...,
  4. So all of you believe a player can’t get better at his craft? By those standards no one gets better, which we all know is patently false. You all are the shinny new toy distracted from reality, and appear to have no knowledge of what actually transpired with the O line this past season or remember what Beane said in his season end PC, but whatever...,
  5. Josh, got way better, no reason Devon can’t get better himself!
  6. Hell, our QB can throw that fast...
  7. Yes it is fair, in that those individuals chose to be there, Knowing full well how that employment opportunity works. they had options and they chose the baseball option, it really is that simple, do what you can to not make easy things harder than they actually are... They all freely chose those occupations.
  8. Absolutely, Josh has a good head for business, has shown massive perseverance and has had success because of that, an investment firm would be an ideal partnership, his story is their story etc etc,
  9. Bruuuuuuce, on D Thomas on O unless you mean the slackers that are available now...
  10. Those very same guys can also enter the real world job hunting market place to find out that its really no different, sure you can apply where you want to work, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean they want to hire you, your name goes into a pool of potential employees and the company chooses/drafts you, then you accept employment or try elsewhere if that company/team doesn’t suit you, of course in the real world your not starting out at several hundred thousands of dollars and more annually... all I can say is, fair my azs, ya get to play a game for a living, what you hear now is the world’s smallest violin playing my heart bleeds for you... okay I’m done for a now... 😂
  11. I voted no, reason being is that it is a change that achieves nothing more than rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic would achieve, its change for the sake of change..., that and the damn refs will Fu h k up even more calls by being confused about who plays what position...
  12. Something like that, or later, being the draft starts a 8pm iirc..., 😁
  13. Yup, I can’t wait to read the torrent of posts from pissed off fans when the first pick is announced, it’s gonna be awesome 👍, it’s gonna be like the game day threads, where the whole Bills world is tumbling down..., I’ve ordered some specialty popcorn 🍿 to munch while I read them, did I say it’s gonna be great???? 😁👍
  14. ya but..., some folk really love the panic button, I don’t think they can help themselves, 😁
  15. That’s gonna trigger a couple of fans..., 😂
  16. These are the same W A Gs that were out a weeks ago..., gotta love the rumor mill it keeps offering the same stuff with a different headline, clicks gotta click so it seems...,
  17. Ignore the man behind the curtain so to speak..., teams are and always have been in negotiations with other teams and players agents before the transactions happen, to think otherwise I believe is bit naive. Should such a trade happen it will have been in the works as an option that has already been discussed/agreed upon in principle, if not else. We are not talking about choir boys here..., these guys are about getting business done, hell, as soon as the draft order was known the deals started being negotiated...,
  18. After rereading this thread on April 24th, I’m sure as hell not taking financial advice from the vast majority of you guys..., 😂
  19. Oh you went and did it now..., putting things in context..., you aught not of done that... 😁👍
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