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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I hear ya, but all day every day all of us follow rules, and do things we would rather not, to keep our jobs, not get arrested, etc etc, by his own free choice he was fired, it really is that simple, I wish the guy no harm, but this was not the smartest choice an adult person could make…, on the flip side, he is likely financially set for life so it really doesn’t matter in that respect.
  2. $9,200.00 a week as a minimum is nice coin, equals $478,000.00 annually, practice squad guys are top one or two percent wage earners in America, it’s nice work if you can get it… 😁👍more power to them!
  3. When it comes to the Buffalo Bills it’s Josh Allen, and buy a long shot the little dummy doesn’t even make the list, he’s thrown his own team under the bus with his childish antics, he’s a very good slot receiver, but it appears he holds himself above the importance of “team”
  4. This is terrible, prayers 🙏 to his loved ones…
  5. I hear ya, but injuries to the top two or three guys at any position is bad news, not just for the Bills, but any team, and in any sport, just sayin, Go Bills!!!
  6. That I don’t know right off, that info is in theory with some of my Canadian relatives, (Fathers uncle’s family) up in Kingston Ontario. Haven’t seen them in a long time.
  7. Well, my grandparents were born in Ireland (grandmother) and England, (grandfather) according to family lore, he is a cousin a couple or so times removed, never met him, it’s a family tree deal…, it’s likely like ones family being related to George Washington type of thing…, although Bonham was never the Prime Minister.,, 😁
  8. I find yous guys interest in Bens body composition to be humorous…, y’all sound like a bunch of school girls gossiping.
  9. I here ya, but, This year is but a long string of real opportunities to win the SB, it’s not this year or never…
  10. What would I do? Mostly continue to lmao at Jerry Jones, all that money and he’s still a putz…,
  11. Womens descriptors can be entertaining, those female humans aren’t wired like us, don’t describe like us, and look at the whole damn world differently than us, that and they are cute 😁👍
  12. It’s like death and taxes… 😁👍
  13. Yeah, right, always trade a quality inexpensive RB just before the season starts, it’s like those Guinness commercials, Brilliant!!! 🤦‍♂️
  14. When has Deion the diva ever been worth listening to? Maybe they refer to him as coach diva from no on…
  15. No, Bonham according to my late grandmother, is my cousin believe it or not, a couple steps removed albeit.
  16. Who just got beat by a kid who could be his grandson…
  17. “Could be”, not very likely though, there are some who have said that he is barely any better than Wallace, hell Dane Jackson could be the guy, that’s why none of us run pro football teams. He at best appears to be “slightly “ better than Wallace, and to expensive for that small margin, so he sits unemployed…
  18. Beane knows which end is up, and has been involved in acquiring Nelson for some time now, it is Nelson where the problem lies, it is not Beane who has not shown interest, that and consider this, is Nelson the player who puts us over the top? Answer = Not likely. Go Bills!!!
  19. Perspective merely needs to be adjusted, you can as well rest assured that they are simultaneously trying to win it all, every year…
  20. Smart people, that’s who. Go Bills!!!
  21. We can refer to Cole as Little Luca Brazi, you know, the fish monger…
  22. Our window is far more than “now”, Beane & Co, are setting up this franchise to have an extended window of a decade or more, your thinking is far to short sighted, The FO is not interested in a two year window and then in effect, sucking for years afterwards, it’s just not part of their DNA, you may as well get used to this way of thinking about the team, because that’s what has been, and will continue to be happening at OBD. Just is, wether you or I like it or not. Go Bills!!!
  23. To many morons talking on their phone/texting instead of not being life threatening to others, they in reality, just don’t care about others, it’s a part of America that does not shine a bright light on us. This stuff happens every day…
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