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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Someone let me know when I should get “concerned” , “worried” , or down right neurotic, thanks in advance, 😁👍🍸🚬
  2. That and miss pronouncing “Aluminum” 😂 on purpose, 🤣
  3. Can we work this into a fire McDermott thread? 🤣
  4. I just love these magnificently stupid posts, it makes the nonsense I post come across as pure genius, I think everyone would agree with this, 😁🍸🚬
  5. You might try the Moo Goo Gai Pan…,
  6. I’m pretty certain Beane knows the price, and he isn’t paying it, just sayin.
  7. They are no lies, this is merely the implementation of a planned strategy that we are seeing move forward…,
  8. Toss in a first round pick for a WR trade and ya got your options covered…
  9. My real first name supposedly means “God like” so I got that going for me, 😁🍸🚬
  10. He has gotten a bit tiresome being that is all he posts about as of late…, being “disgruntled” most of the time is his MO going way back,
  11. There is a real chance they won’t want him by then, odds are he will be worn down / injured again by the time this upcoming post season arrives, much like he has been the last two in Buffalo. Diggs had been “part” of why we have not gotten back into the AFC championship game in the last two years. This is not the record of performance that KC would be champing at the bit to sign onto…, Diggs was really good here in Buffalo for the first two plus seasons, then injuries and wear and tear on his body in the second half of this past season and the past two post seasons tell the other side of Diggs tenure in Buffalo, this and Father Time are not on his side. Luckily for our Buffalo Bills really good receivers are readily available in FA and this draft, frankly none of us should be overtly concerned about his departure, we’ve got #17, I’m not worried in the slightest.
  12. I see yet another boring marketing ploy, it no different that the old Rolling Stones tune Satisfaction, “ …telling me some useless information, that’s supposed to drive my imagination…, … some man telling me how white my shirts can be, but he can’t be a man cause he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me…, some folk fall for this sort of crap, what are ya gonna do?
  13. Diggs won’t be the #1, he will be the 2b / 3 rd WR, if I’m CJ I tell Diggs to go Fuh k off the first, second and third time he opens his mouth, CJ isn’t stupid, and like everyone else has seen his act twice now, the Texans know full well Diggs is a smiling malcontent type, on top of that he is not part of a long term plan in Houston, he is a short term mercenary for them nothing more, and in two seasons he will be a Cleveland Brown…,
  14. It’s Patrick’s little brother…,
  15. That’s right! He should have started a week after the last game of the season, what a freaking slacker this Allen guy is, just can’t trust that generation…, just in case…, the above includes sarcasm…,
  16. Come on guys, only one hundred and fifty nine pages, I’m quite certain we can all repeat ourselves for the fifth and sixth time and get this mass of redundancy over two hundred pages, and really show some emotions this time…,
  17. Iirc he had three interceptions in his rookie year to include one on Mahomes in the end zone, so yes he has shown talent, he certainly isn’t “there” yet, and you are under stating his potential value, jmo.
  18. Well, that’s to be expected, you are you after all, and a damn good golfer from what i hear rumored, Congrats to her and you for getting thru such a trying period in your lives, blessing to both of you. There is also the amazing coincidence that my wife adores me as well, well she must after being by my side in cardiac ICU for ten days and the time spent in the step down unit after that, I must be doing something right to endear her to me in such a way, 😁👍
  19. Fair enough, I like my opinion too, 👍 Yes, rumor control as usual is working overtime, 😁👍
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