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Don Otreply

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Posts posted by Don Otreply

  1. Imo, 😁👍, I felt that there was no way the cap would not go up, the league/owners would not benefit in any way from freezing the cap at the current level, the owners are more than happy to “loan” themselves money to keep the gravy train rolling...


    Go Bills!!!

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  2. The run blocking went all to sh-t when Spain got to big for his britches, and got cut, and Ford was injured, then IRd. Compared to last season the O line is bad at run blocking, Singletary regressed, and Moss is just not as good as we hoped he could be, one thing feeds another so to speak, the failures fall mainly on bad schemes and players inability to execute run plays. We became a one dimensional offense, which was fine when our very good receivers were healthy, but when they all got injured the gig was up, and KC handed us our azsez. Time for SM and BB to work their magic and fix this. We don’t need to run a lot more, but we need an actual run game that works when we use it. I have complete faith that SM & BB will do what needs to be done to make this work, so I’m not worried in the slightest. It will be fun to see how the go about doing the fix. 

    Go Bills!!!

  3. Like all things “NFL” the hype is, well, shall we say, way over blown, and that includes first round picks,  the league/owners prefer it that way, and frankly so do the fans. 

     I’m not sayin there is a lack of importants in first round picks, because we all know how important they can be, (Josh Allen), but the rate at which players taken in the first round don’t “live up to expectations” by teams and let alone the fans is quite high. So trading that pick for a Diggs type player on occasion is in the realm of a smart move. 

    Imo, with some exceptions, the first round is the round to go strict BPA regardless of position, every other round is a BPA at a position of need pick, or you never have a well rounded team.  Look at our short comings vs KC, need need need, need need... all team have and must fill there needs or they are screwed. 


    Go Bills!!!

  4. It was a culmination of poor game plans on both sides of the ball, our four primary receivers playing injured didn’t help, our virtually nonexistent running game exasperating the poor offensive game plan.

    Couple the above with an obvious inability or unwillingness to adjust the game plan during the game and you have your answer. 

    It was a coaching failure first and foremost, it was using injured players that were unable to perform at levels required. It was not using players that were healthy and available.  

    It was coaching decisions made throughout the playoffs that in the end bit them on the azs in the most important game of the season.  

    Go Bills !!!

  5. 12 minutes ago, Blokestradamus said:


    I've always found it a bit weird when I've seen players designated as a veteran after a handful of seasons. Maybe coming from a sporting background where there's the likelihood for more longevity and less turnover, I'm more prone to think of someone as a veteran beyond the age of 30 with a ton of playing experience behind them. Then you've got the relatively small sample size of games (16 in the NFL to 38 in the Premier League etc.)


    It's just not a tag that I'd put on a guy like Devey myself. Mario Addison, Jerry Hughes, Lee Smith, Josh Norman are the guys that I'd consider veteran. There's a little more gravitas to their careers than simply just existing for a period of time.


    Just my own weird thought process, was curious about how anyone else might look at it.

    I hear ya, here in the states we like to over do just about everything, I tend to view this much like you seem to, I blame it on my up bringing, 2nd generation in the states of English and Irish grandparents. 


  6. 31 minutes ago, Blokestradamus said:

    Joe's tweet has been bugging me since I first saw this thread.


    How do we actually classify someone as a veteran? Is it by age, longevity or by actual on-field experience? Because Devey is definitely old and he's been around the block a few times but he's only started 21 games ever. I wouldn't classify anyone with just over a season of actual on-field experience as a veteran, per se.

    Well, after ones rookie season is over, one then becomes a veteran of various degrees ie; years in the league, he may have only started in twenty one games but it is likely he has played in many others, hence a veteran, just sayin. 

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  7. 59 minutes ago, Warcodered said:

    Well I mean we had one of most effective offenses in the League and we didn't run.

    I hear ya, 

    can you imagine what a juggernaut our Offense would be if we ran “effectively” on twenty percent “ish” of our snaps, hell, we could win it all if that were the case. Frankly I think the GM & HC sees this and will make that happen. 

    Go Bills!!!

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