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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Same way every team does, and we get out of it the same way every team does, this ain’t rocket surgery.
  2. I’m stealing this, letting you know up front, 🤣
  3. Take just a little step into reality, and realize that your Buffalo Bills for the 2024 / 2025 season is as you see it right now,
  4. The definition of a #1 WR is a guy that defensives must account for every snap, but! your number one can’t do it alone, he must! have other receivers that are known to have a high catch percentage with YAC capability, or he will not be effective due to being double teamed regularly. It’s never just one guy…,
  5. Being the mad bomber offense is fun, but you can’t be a virtually one demential offense and win it all. Look at Tom F ing Brady, he and his teams dinked and dunked the leagues pants off and won it all repeatedly, until Josh incorporates a bit more of a Brady style into his craft he and Buffalo are likely not going to win the super Bowl. Mahomes uses the dink and dunk a lot of the time, he’s won three now , notice a trend here? Sure Brady then and Mahomes now throw the long ball, but it’s never been eithers bread and butter, Josh seemingly for whatever reason doesn’t embrace this winning method, if and when Josh adds this aspect to his game the team will be virtually unbeatable.
  6. Maybe, Maybe not, either way Diggs quit on the Bills when the going got tougher than Diggs psyche could handle, talk about being fragile…,
  7. Ethan Ethan Ethan, come on now, are you gonna be this way all season? Cause if you are, I’m gonna post cheerful stuff all season just to match your self imposed depressive attitude, nuthin but luv, Don, 😁👍🍸🚬
  8. Your post makes me remember a certain sports movie.. ( when I point to you…, you speak, “he gets on base”…,) a similar rebuild conceptually being applied to the Bills?
  9. He is having a first world pouty attack, don’t reply it just encourages him…,
  10. This “Gunner Britton” guy, seems oddly familiar…, 😁👍
  11. Please, get a grip on yourself, the whining here is beyond the pale, it is not my fault that so many don’t understand what’s actually happening with the team at this particular point in time. Many fans live in a dream world as to expectations. I didn’t like every pick, but I understand why they were made, the team is temporarily broke, that all changes after this season, get comfortable with it or torture yourself, it’s not up to me to convince you one way or another…, peace out bro, 😁👍🍸🚬
  12. Lots of whinny guys on this board, it’s like I’m reading fourteen year old girls whimpering about acne, any chance you whiners could stfu for a month or two, thanks in advance from the majority of Bills fans, 🤣🍸🚬
  13. All picks are need picks, it can’t be argued otherwise,
  14. I suspect that asking Josh about a “potential” draft pick is more a courtesy than anything, it’s like a courtesy invite that they are hoping you turn down…, Josh likely said something to the tune of, get me a bigger taller target, etc , jmo.
  15. This ^^^ Beane is a BPA at position of need guy, just like every other good GM,
  16. Where to go from here? Straight to the super bowl!
  17. That only works if you can still get the players your after / need,
  18. Of course they are, 17 games was merely a stepping stone to 18 games. In the future the League will start the push towards twenty games, it’s all about more billions after all…,
  19. Yup, this right here, players also use substantially smaller pads than was common some years ago, are the pads better nowadays, or is it driven by fashion?
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