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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Yeah, an owner that lets smart people do their jobs, remarkable isn’t it, Go Bills!!!
  2. I’ve never tried to buy tickets on the mobile app, but I can say that if you try to follow a game on it., it is frustrating as hell, it can’t actually refresh at a rate that will keep you within six or seven plays of where the game is at, it appears to hang up when buffering, and that causes me to have to go to the game day thread, and that is a Prozac users hell hole a fair amount of the time, ya see when your out on a sailboat in the Bahamas it limits your choices for coverage…, Hey Terry, your a F ing Billionaire, how’s about getting an app that actually works…, just sayin, Go Bills!!!
  3. Yup, that would be the ultimate in a Billsy thing to be the cause of blowing such a great opportunity, and this time it will be certain players that cause the big wiff at what could be a once in a lifetime chance to win it all…, really kinda sad to think some players will have brought it on themselves and their teammates should the cookie crumble that way, as is said, ya can lead a horse to water…, Go Bills!!!
  4. He is trying to fix his miserable reputation (sportsmanship, etc) with these recent statements, about Defenses being overly penalized, and the number thing, nothing this guy says has value, in which he is in effect, play acting so as to not appear to be the total suck up that he is,
  5. Yup, been that way for, it seems like forever, some things never change,
  6. Cool 👍 I’ll be wintering in San Diego 🍺 🍻
  7. Max’s Oyster Bar, West Hartford Ct.
  8. Nah, look at the guy, JJ has been like this his entire life, he is a walking nails on the chalkboard kind of guy.
  9. I’m thinking Jerry Jones needed no help in becoming an insufferable putz, and did just fine on his own, just sayin, 😁
  10. Its just nonsense, no one who actually pays attention to Allens play over the last three years really thinks this will happen, it is just a story to get more eyes on his site. Plus its just more fuel for the fire, Go Bills!!!
  11. … the hardest position…, let me get out my copy of the Kama sutra, and have a look see, I’ll get back to you on this…,
  12. You know what happens when you poke the bear right…, this guy is poking the bear,
  13. Well, being that Brady and his team were caught cheating every 4.5 years on average for two straight decades…, and again caught cheating by not reporting an injury on his current team, what’s that say about him???, he is a walking talking character flaw, But some folk like cheaters, birds of a feather as the saying goes…
  14. Click bait, don’t take the bait!!
  15. A bipolar trip through a Bills fan game experience, always awesome to see the melt down on the first play that doesn’t work the way it was supposed to…, followed by the exuberant joy when we score a touchdown on the next play…, rinse and repeat all game long…, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  16. Wear and tear / taking a beating, or intellectually?
  17. I for one will happily enjoy my crow, if/when Dawson brings a higher level of constant performance, serve it up,
  18. Fired or layed off, both mean unemployed…
  19. He watched Master and Commander, so now…,
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