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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Don’t get me wrong, I feel doing selective FA acquisitions/pick for a trade, Ala Diggs is good medicine, and Beane should pursue such opportunities when they present themselves.
  2. And that right there is why most teams fail when going that route, they generally don’t have the QB to make it happen, or the buy in from the players they sign, but if we had the Rams defense we would be celebrating a Super bowl victory, but alas…., we don’t. Go Bills!!!
  3. Most teams that have gone the same route as the rams have failed in their quest, for a while there it looked like the rams were going to fail as well, but their offense scored enough points to win, and their defense had the key stops when it mattered the most, cough cough…, Go Bills!!!
  4. That’s what I was referring to…,
  5. SM & LF play contain defensive, it often works statistically, but they have no plan “B” when it’s no longer a viable method. Shaw66 put it very well, they need to be more aggressive at the right times, it appears though, that they don’t know when to be more aggressive, that and they lack the D line personnel to be so. It is my hope that Terry Pegula and Brandon Beane have a heart to heart conversation with Sean and Leslie and insist on some new schemes to counter our D coaches pension for playing not to lose. Having said all of this, I do as a fan GREATLY appreciate what SM has done to turnaround what was a pathetic football team operationally, and installed an attitude and system that has made the Bills such a good team. These are first world problems to be sure. 👍 Go Bills!!! We got out of that one by the skin of our teeth, as the saying goes.
  6. No-one wishes Chad any harm. Chad Only needs to redeem himself for himself, and no one else. Likely he will stay true to form…,
  7. I understand about W & J, but to have them as far from the line as they were, was for me a bit underwhelming as a coaching move, oh well, water under the bridge at this point. I will say I am quite optimistic about our new OC, QC & OLC, I do think they will work together more seamlessly than what I perceived with who they replaced, a likely better rounded offense, not that I want to see a lot more of the run game, but more functional in that aspect of the offense, executed more smoothly as I would put it. Go Bills!!!
  8. Play calling and execution, are the likely cause, but as we all saw, our defense was ineffectual throughout the game, as shown by the opponents score, so one might consider “adjusting” one’s defensive play calling to mitigate the lack of defensive effectiveness…, 😁👍 so yeah, coach needed to make adjustments from the get go, and “seemingly” just stuck with a series of play calling/ game plan that was obviously not effective…, yes hind sight is awesome 😁 Go Bills!!!
  9. I would not advocate for a wholesale abandonment of a given game plan, that for the most part would be counterproductive. For example, moving one’s DBs to play more press at a point during a game to stop a run of yardage gaining short passes so that your opponent can’t get into field goal range, and force an OT isn’t hard for a player to do, nor for a coach to implement, we are talking adjustments to the play calling part of a game plan not abandoning in totality said game plan. It does starts to sound like a strawman argument on the coaches behalf to deflect a critique of in game play calling…, you know the thing that most fans call a game plan, 😁👍 nomenclature/ verbiage discrepancies aside…,
  10. Coaches do make in game adjustments to their game plans as needed, we all know this to be the case. In fact, they win games implementing that tactic. It happens most every Sunday during several games. In post game interviews coaches say as much, touting their prowess, that they made those adjustments. I’m not on a rampage to denigrate LF, I think he’s a good coach, and overall has done a pretty fair job, but he is not good at in game adjustments, if we are being honest, we have all witnessed this. Go Bills!!!
  11. I was more than a bit taken back when I read the interview, as a player I would not be thrilled to say the least to hear my coach say this, being my paycheck depends on game outcomes. Again, I am surprised he said it, maybe it’s more common amongst coaches than we would think, just look at how many coaches are middling at best, this attitude might be more prevalent than we think…,
  12. It was in an interview a couple of months ago iirc, he did indeed say it, sorry I don’t have a link,
  13. Certainly for him it will be a brilliant move…,
  14. Or he has mortgaged the team future cap money/ draft picks, and knows he has to let I all that talent go, and has no desire to walk that walk, the saints come to mind…,
  15. If you control the line of scrimmage, you then control the game, it’s always been that way, will always be that way. Go Bills!!!
  16. Societies worldwide have a huge nepotism problem…., it’s how humans do things, for better or worse, it is what it is, we can only acknowledge it and try different things to combat it. Such as the Rooney rule…, Go Bills!!!
  17. Exactly, a QB knows when a defense is kicking azs and taking names.
  18. As well, on outside runs Singletary is well over 5 YPC, an entire season with Kromer’s blocking schemes that 4.7 is very likely to increase. I do think that other positions are of higher priority.
  19. Its neat to see what Beane has to say on this, but It’s all SOP, happens every time an assistant GM/ coach changes teams, nothing to be overly concerned with. Go Bills!!!
  20. All the best teams have functioning run games, it’s imperative to keep a defense guessing, and not able to key in on one’s passing game, and visa versa, for that matter. Imo our personnel usage needs to get better, as was demonstrated by players such as…, Bates, Davis, and McKenzie. Going forward I expect to see the best players playing regardless of draft position/seniority, etc etc. Very high hopes for our new offensive coaching staff. Go Bills!!!
  21. Cool, 👍
  22. Oh sure, remove the speculation, where’s the fun it that.. 😁
  23. With OLC/run game coordinator Kromer coming back into the fold, we can rightfully expect a notable improvement in how the O-line functions within the many facets of the offense, I do expect Singletary to continue to be an important cog in the offensive scheme, as well I expect Beane to add to the RB room before official team activities start this upcoming preseason, who that addition will be, and when it happens I really don’t know, I suspect your guesses are likely better than mine. Frankly, I expect the offense to operate in a smoother and more decisive fashion than it has for the last two years. Our new offensive coaches, imo, will work together more seamlessly than we have seen in the last two seasons, and the on field performance is going to be amazing to watch, jmo. Go Bills!!!
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