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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Not really, a mild need at present, if the coaches scheme to the O lines and RBs strength we will have a running game that melds into our pass 80% of the time offense, so no to the OP, you’re over blowing it a bunch. that and there has been endless banter about our supposed gigantic RB problem that is in reality a run blocking problem. Go Bills!!!
  2. That’s why we got vaxed, even if we get it it will be far less invasive because of the vaccination, and being old with pre existing conditions…, it’s a choice, like the rubella, the pox, polio vaccinations, we as a nation have been through these sort of things before…, the results are in the history books, it’s a good light read..,, 😁 Go Bills!!!
  3. Let the chaos reign in NE, this is wonderful, the more the merrier, face it except for the money no one actually wants to play for that pile of 💩 team, this, on top of Gilmore, the foundation is cracking in NE, 😁👍
  4. The Dallas Cowboys, aka, the island of misfit toys, or the gang that can’t shoot straight, all that talent over the last four ish or so years and they choke most every year, Its just a bunch of egos who won’t work with each other, from the owner on down, ain’t it great 😁👍
  5. We can not expect every talking head to have the same take on our draft picks as our FO does, what’s his take on the SB teams that drafted after us and took pass rushers? That would be a good question to ask Simms…, being that all top draft picks are a bust potential, this is hardly news, its kinda captain obvious stuff when it comes right down to it…,
  6. With early substantial leads our reborn run game will eat a lot of clock to control the game flow, so we will likely not need to score as much as that, unless we are making a point…,
  7. The biggest difference between Kelly and Allen at this time is that Kelly was more able to lead his receivers with his passes, something I believe that Allen will get better at. Go Bills!!!
  8. Mad that I woke up a 6:00 am and didn’t have to go to work.,. 😁 can’t sleep in for love nor money…,
  9. In comparison; Tua is physically weak compared to Allen, and lacks the confidence Allen so evidently has, he can’t stiff arm a D lineman or line backer like Allen can and does, he can’t face mask anyone, and use him as a shield, Tua, broken hip, broken ankle, and wrist twice, the kid is fragile, Tua can not generate useful velocity on his passes at virtually any distance, did I mention Tua is tiny and weak? 😂 All I can say to folk is dream on with the idea Tua is going to be an above average QB, game manager is his ceiling if he gets lucky. The above is but a small sampling of why Tua will be a back up QB or out of the league in four or five seasons, jmo, 😁 PS, did all y’all know that Tua is Ancient Greek for a small weak man… 😁
  10. Enjoy yourselves, 🎉🎊🍺🍕🍔🥃☕️🍩
  11. Only twenty-three pages about a trade that’s likely not gonna happen? Folk round here are slacking off big time… Lets move back to a discussion about a DE that we’re not gonna sign, far more entertaining…,
  12. The guy who goes to four SBs, unless Josh wins one or more, and goes to five or more SBs…, couldn’t help myself… 😁
  13. Elijah, your getting worked up over nothing.
  14. Actually run blocking was the number one problem with the offense last year, pass catching… not really a problem, Go Bills!!!
  15. Gilmore can want in one hand and 💩 in the other and see which one gets full quicker…, he is as good as gone from NE, this couldn’t happen to a more deserving team, may the distractions grow ever larger for those turds.
  16. Run blocking schemes via the O line and it’s related coaches were a target of Beane in his 2019/2020 season end PC, so yes, the run blocking concepts/schemes will have already been addressed this preseason by the GM, offensive coaching staff, and relevant players. We will see a substantial improvement in both the Online and the RBs outcomes this upcoming season, otherwise the heads of some coaches and players will roll, as the saying goes…, Go Bills!!!
  17. This is gonna make some folk angry…, 😂 what they gonna do with facts staring them in the eye, Guess who blinks first…, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
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