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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Can you say, Czonka, Kick, and Morris, Singletary, Moss, Brieda, with a renewed effort on the O lines run blocking, we are going to be happily surprised, Go Bills!!!
  2. Sounds mostly like a plea for attention,(I was good once) that and the reality of his situation that his ego has yet to come to terms with, he might be a good add for a team that’s trying to break out of the 8-8 quagmire…
  3. The players union is not ever going to be able to specifically show CB being cut or anyone else for that matter was for their vaccine status , Anyone can be cut for a multitude of reasons. ie; money, age, attitude, ability, injury history, team going in a different direction, etc etc… the union would be a one legged man in an azs kicking contest… they won’t have a leg to stand on… We of course all hope Beas keeps his head out of his… and plays ball, that’s a given, otherwise the team will move on without him. That as well is a given. Go Bills!!! Go Beas!!!
  4. I got two words for you Casper, Cam Newton… Bwahahahahaha
  5. I love preseason games, even the most jaded fans pay close attention, even though they will deny it, it truly is just plain good fun to watch guys try, sometimes desperately to make the roster, it’s part of what makes sports such a cool thing! Go Bills!!!
  6. Not likely, this is just more of the honest and down to earth pillar of society, playing by the established rules of sportsmanship and fair play..,, or not…, it’s been about 4 ish years give or take since the last time he was caught in violation of the rules, this just keeps up his average over the last two plus decades of being caught, but hey, it’s Brady, it’s okay when he does it…,
  7. Knox thus far has shown little upside outside of a couple plays, for everyone’s sake let’s hope he gains some point of catch confidence, or legal stickum, 😁 otherwise Hollister may end up our guy which would be at least a guy who will catch what’s thrown to him at a higher rate… 👍
  8. Former Rochester guy, living in CT, and snow birding to avoid winter, I see Bills fans everywhere I travel to, From up and down the East coast to the Bahamas, to California, we Bills fans are nation wide, and international 😁👍
  9. Pats fans making sense, Bwahahahahaha, okay Casper, whatever ya gotta tell yourself, 😂
  10. Are you describing Knox? who is not as good a pass catchers as Hollister? or are you saying Hollister is just that notch better a TE??? Inquiring minds want to know, 😁 Words are fun… 😂 Go Bills!!!
  11. I hear ya, and understand your point, But, I’m not interested in other teams or players getting accolades, 😁 I’m old school, all opposing teams and players are the enemy, regardless of how well they perform on the field, or what a nice human being they are. I don’t wish harm on any of them, well maybe one, and I won’t mention his name 😂 admittedly this is a character flaw on my behalf… Go Bills!!!
  12. True enough, but we should rightfully assume that the HC and GM are fully aware of this issue, and have implemented what they believe will address it, much like the run game issues, to think otherwise is to believe McDermott and Beane are willfully ignorant, and I for one can’t buy that. They know the teams flaws better than any of us do, and have a far fuller understanding of how to address those flaws without creating a hole/flaw elsewhere on the roster. I’m not worried about it in the slightest to be honest, Our boys got this. 👍
  13. As an aside, the trade helped Buffalo succeed far more than it did the Vikings in terms of overall team success, that really can not be argued, in which that individual stats although nice, really do mean nothing if the team is or stays middling in its overall performance, the Vikings as an example…, this is why some pro MN guys are so slanted in there commentary, that and the MN FO is noticeably confused with what to do with the talent they have had and the fans and pundits see that, hence their frustration, and point of view…
  14. We’ll, being that he lead the league in receptions and yards you do have a valid point…, evidently that doesn’t hold much water to some pundits out there… Go Bills!!!
  15. A bit of an over statement imo, by this you are saying that neither Beane or McDermott realizes this issue and have made no measure in scheming or personnel training to correct it, I just don’t see that as a reality, but that could just be me.
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