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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. When has Deion the diva ever been worth listening to? Maybe they refer to him as coach diva from no on…
  2. No, Bonham according to my late grandmother, is my cousin believe it or not, a couple steps removed albeit.
  3. Who just got beat by a kid who could be his grandson…
  4. “Could be”, not very likely though, there are some who have said that he is barely any better than Wallace, hell Dane Jackson could be the guy, that’s why none of us run pro football teams. He at best appears to be “slightly “ better than Wallace, and to expensive for that small margin, so he sits unemployed…
  5. Beane knows which end is up, and has been involved in acquiring Nelson for some time now, it is Nelson where the problem lies, it is not Beane who has not shown interest, that and consider this, is Nelson the player who puts us over the top? Answer = Not likely. Go Bills!!!
  6. Perspective merely needs to be adjusted, you can as well rest assured that they are simultaneously trying to win it all, every year…
  7. We can refer to Cole as Little Luca Brazi, you know, the fish monger…
  8. Our window is far more than “now”, Beane & Co, are setting up this franchise to have an extended window of a decade or more, your thinking is far to short sighted, The FO is not interested in a two year window and then in effect, sucking for years afterwards, it’s just not part of their DNA, you may as well get used to this way of thinking about the team, because that’s what has been, and will continue to be happening at OBD. Just is, wether you or I like it or not. Go Bills!!!
  9. To many morons talking on their phone/texting instead of not being life threatening to others, they in reality, just don’t care about others, it’s a part of America that does not shine a bright light on us. This stuff happens every day…
  10. None of those things has any bearing on what happens with the Bills, keep up the positive vibes and we will be joining your list.
  11. Walking down the street on Block island (RI)two days ago, a guys walking towards me with a small group of friends wearing a Bills, I give him a “Go Bills” he seemed to be shocked that another Bills fan was in the New England area, he barely nodded and continued down the street…, kinda of odd I thought…,
  12. On the verge of awesome Ice, thanks for asking,
  13. Is the Beas looking to piss off his employer on purpose?…, that and he is evidently following protocols even after running his yap that he wouldn’t do so, jmo but that boy needs to just say no to social media, just sayin, oh well, hope the little dummy doesn’t get his azs fired WE NEED YOUR SKILLS ON THE FIELD BEASLEY, NOW IS NOT THE TIME…, Go Bills!!!
  14. 1)The British Rugby guy 2)Hollister making Knox look bad..,, 3)Singletary reestablishing himself as the #1 RB 4) Ford confirms his starting position. 5) GR & BB show out
  15. Actually, I heard from a friends brother in law that it was all about free refills in the cafeteria.,,
  16. I like the posters who claim they can’t stand Preseason games, yet they will watch every one off them and then deny it was fun to watch, they do this Shtick every year…, you would figure that they would catch on by now that no one believes them.., 😁 Go Bills!!!
  17. It’s not hard to beat your grandfather when skateboarding 🛹…
  18. The beer ball was put to many outstanding uses, all hail the beer ball !
  19. Snyder in DC “bought talent” every season for what seems like forever, really didn’t do him much good, this is the pats future until they get a real QB, and learn how to draft well, not looking like that’s happening any time soon, now BB has started down the Snyder path of buying expensive FA talent annually and hoping to god that it all clicks, nice to see him in that position.
  20. Nice! Excellent write up, Shaw66, I certainly could not have said it better, I do believe that the “process “ is working, and we will do even better this season. Go Bills!!!
  21. That sounds pretty sketchy there Raul.., 😂
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