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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. If so, Beane should tell them two firsts and an OG, or pound sand,
  2. The Refs as a whole, are a bunch of part time employees, this alone says it all, the league/owners don’t so much as care an iota about the Refs, unless it were to disrupt the cash flow, and then they would only give lip service to the issue.
  3. Excellent Shaw66! Go Bills!!!
  4. Gotta be two firsts, a 2nd and a guard for MT, nothing less.
  5. It is difficult to know from our perspective, we have examined all other possibilities concerning the Olines woes, it does seem that there has been some “regression” as it were. Go Bills!!!
  6. Maybe it’s our Oline coach, he hasn’t been particularly impressive with the way his charges have been performing…,
  7. Like it or not Devin is our best RB, he does well considering we can’t run block worth a damn. Go Bills!!!
  8. Not singling you out Ed, nuthin but luv, but where a player is taken is on the GM/team, it is not on the player, it is such an ill informed statement, so tired of hear this being repeated endlessly for decades by arm chair GMs, and talking heads as if it had any real value. Any miscalculation in draft spot is completely on the organization. Oh and Ed is a solid asset on our D line.
  9. ala Kelly breakin a guys leg? 😁
  10. You’re so very welcome 😁
  11. It’s the Tua school of sentence construction, everyone’s doing it,
  12. Followed by the Miami game when he drove that former pats guy into the ground , kept going and did the same to his teammate, that was classic Josh Allen.
  13. Last time we played the Rams we beat them and Donald, just sayin, Sadly it would be Tampa Bay with Brady, the constant Ref favoritism would be near unbearable and very hard to overcome,
  14. This sounds an awful lot like a “Highdea” just sayin,
  15. why would we trade for another RB??? Have you all seen our guys run block? Go Bills!!!
  16. Well, if there is a measurable drop off, then it’s s real problem now isn’t it, Go Bills!!!
  17. They’re good, not great, jmo. Imo they are held back on occasion by the scheme and coaches, again jmo. Go Bills!!!
  18. He’s talking lessons from Tua…,
  19. Our “screen pass game” (if we even had one…,) has been abysmal, I hate to say it, but Josh is bad at screen passes, and from what we see in practice highlights they don’t seem to even work on that obvious deficiency, but hey, I’m just a weekend game watcher, what the hell do I know…, Go Bills!!!
  20. Don’t talk so much sh/t rookie, and I won’t have to kick your azs on the air, 😂
  21. Assigning the word pathetic to yourself would be a notably more accurate assessment. Semper Fi there fella,
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