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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Typical owners play book shtick, likely much ado about nothing, TPegs likes his fiefdom in western NY, not much chance he wants to share turf with the Cowboys and the Texans, that said, he will try to squeeze NYS for as much as he can get, in the end we will have a modern version of the current stadium, but with more / bigger shopping and food options, and then life will go on as usual…,
  2. With Allen’s well known attention to detail, and his acceptance of self evaluation says to me, that this is a stone that has indeed been turned over, and examined for needed improvement, Josh has himself stated that the hero ball/ sugar high stuff needs to stop, so I for one am not particularly concerned that he would ignore this detail being it is so important to his end goals.
  3. With the wear and tear that out top four receivers absorb over the regular season, it would be a good move imo, to have seven receivers on the active roaster, plus a couple on the PS, it would be bad to hit the post season again with our starting four wideouts all banged up agin and not have some reliable backups available, again jmo. Go Bills!!!
  4. Giuseppe, ya worry to much, don’t ya think Josh and his coaches, mentors etc have addressed this? I mean really…. Chill, have a glass of Chianti Classico, some pecorino and a slice of bread, you’ll feel better 👍 Go Bills!!!
  5. Oh I forgot that all NFL players are falling all over each other for the chance to play only for Buffalo, how silly of me to think otherwise… they would never have a reason that would sway that decision…, and you answered your own question, in theory he had a choice, he signed with Baltimore… maybe the guy likes the area, maybe McDermott and Beane think he’s a tool and want no part of him, who the F knows 😂😁😆 but he didn’t sign with Buffalo… Go Bills!!!
  6. It’s the adamant verbiage, and the unwavering notion that a poster (you in this particular case) could never be wrong and not have considered the multitude of other reasons surrounding why a given player did not sign with the Bills, and yes it’s very entertaining, very soap ish, It certainly would be nice to always sign the best available player at a given moment, but as we all know there are reasons why players choose one of the other thirty one teams to play for, being obstinate in ones views, well…, we’ll just leave that, as it were, nuthin but luv, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  7. KC appears to be putting their faith in some rookies on their O line, getting first team reps and all… so it’s not unprecedented to do this, will it work out for either team? We shall see I guess, I think GR & BB are going to shine this season, with the expected ups and downs that rookies generally have, Not if he doesn’t want to play in Buffalo…,
  8. I know, it’s so entertaining to read the opinions of how The FO has missed the boat on players who evidently don’t want to play in Buffalo, or they would already be here, and folk really appear to think this is the case by the way the write stuff… it’s like watching a soap… 😁👍
  9. And after the season they cut John Brown and re-signed kumerow …, so…, in the end, they like touch down Jesus more… 😁
  10. Why is it that you side with every team that gets compared to the Bills in the threads here? Every move by some other team is great regardless, and you are negative on the Bills every move in comparison, you are consistent if nothing else… odd fandom concept for sure…, but do enjoy the preseason build up, I hear down in Miami they call him Mr Velocity…, 😂
  11. Touch down Jesus would be a good keep, it’s good to have the Holy of holy catching passes… If AR wants him as a pass catching option… think about that…, The way we use receivers in this offense…, they take a lot of wear and tear, we need good backups, look at the condition of our one thru four by the time we were in the playoffs… As well, and look at the highlight of the over the middle TD reception from Josh last season, I mean really, what the hell other kind of recommendation does a guy need to get the job???? 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  12. He’s a pats fan, what else would anyone expect, it’s hilarious that he and Casper decided to show up here and blah blah blah in defense of their bradyless jag of a team team, it’s just a hoot. Go Bills!!!
  13. I believe what you are looking for is called a microphone 🎤, yes, a microphone 🎙 , it’s the latest in amplified voice transmission from what I hear, sure hope the team can afford to purchase one of these new fangled devices, it would go a long way to righting this wrong…
  14. You might consider that Beane is doing a real good job as our GM, in fact he won league wide recognition for his skills, in your posts that I have read it appears/comes across as you believe all the knocks/opinions that are critical of Beane and his crew, I don’t understand why, or am I misunderstanding what your trying to convey? Do also bear in mind that ALL GMs draft/acquire players that don’t pan out, but ranked against his counterparts on the other thirty one teams, he is the one that got recognized as the best overall just this past season, just sayin, Go Bills!!!
  15. I’m gonna help “this guy” out…, We are all now referring to the AFCE as; Josh Allen’s & the Buffalo Bills playground, there will be no exception, That is all.
  16. Agreed, being that we both payed attention…, we knew this…, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  17. Yes, those are always the best of the “ I’m not paying any attention” posts we see every season, 👍
  18. Yea, they brought in another O line guy as well, camp bodies or not, Beane is making it clear that the expectations for the 21/22 O line are rising daily, sends as obvious signal that wether you are a starter or a backup, you sure as hell better bring some game to the field every damn day, I like it, Go Bills!!!
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