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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I for one will happily enjoy my crow, if/when Dawson brings a higher level of constant performance, serve it up,
  2. I can accept that view, I guess it’s that he catches the ball with more confidence than Knox, Knox to me always looks like he’s super relieved he didn’t drop the pass when he makes a catch…, either that or I’m super relieved he didn’t drop the pass… 😁👍
  3. Nope, he was catching passes in a red jersey today,
  4. I would prefer the star ship Enterprise as opposed to a rocket, how else can I keep pace with the arm arrogance going on in Buffalo, SDS, can you hook me up? 😁👍
  5. So Sweeney is big foot now, right? It’s his new Nick name 😁👍
  6. That and he moves more fluently than Knox, who is shall we say more wooden in his movements, and has far better hands, you know, that actually catching the ball thing…
  7. Not upper tier in anyone’s book…, a bit over stated there Coach…
  8. Addition thru subtraction in this case….👍 That and TD Jesus is a better version of Hollister if you think about those two, so no real loss in letting Hollister go…,
  9. You see, your priorities are not the Buffalo Bills priorities, that is maybe your frustrating hallmark? 😁👍
  10. Just like that frustrating hallmark of winning most of the time, Just like that frustrating hallmark of winning most of the time,
  11. Nice write up Shaww66, I am now in the officially old category, collecting social security now, 😁, and yes it would be really cool to see Buffalo bring one home before I can’t remember my own name, Go Bills!!!
  12. This cut should surprise no one, the result is that the new kid will be tossing a reduced version of a Billy B offense, catching lightning in a bottle a second time is what BB is betting on, who really thinks that’s gonna happen?
  13. Almost always follow the bills games, rarely other teams, just check the scores and some highlights. I have other hobbies, sailing ⛵️, to the Bahamas for the winter, camping 🏕, hiking, having as much sex as a guy like me can have, 😂, and I don’t even pay for it, well directly anyways…, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  14. Man, he hates playing for that team now…players that wait this long for corrective surgery state that loud and clear. Oh, and Fuh K the pats.
  15. Kumorow is likely replacing Johnson on STs. Consider that TD Jesus is better at his primary job (WR) than Johnson was at his primary job (DE) so this becomes the obvious tactical move by Beanes office, ask yourself? How many positive plays in practice, preseason games and in season games do each player represent? JK wins hands down.
  16. There is only one well rounded team in the AFCE, that would be the Buffalo Bills, the other three are sans real QBs, and fall into the wanna be category of NFL teams.
  17. Well, yes, that would be good, but Epenesa needs some work at long snapper, 😁👍
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