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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. What is so dangerous about punting? Sounds like a solution looking for a problem…, shakes head and walks away…, I’m predicting that in twenty years, the NFL will be playing “tag” football, Meanwhile the Isle of Mann TT race sees deaths nearly every year and well over 200 deaths since it’s inception in 1907 iirc, America is getting whussier buy the year,
  2. If he is lucky he lands with the Steelers, financially he will be doing Fing great wherever he lands as a starter. He is a comp pick in the making, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  3. I think most folk have forgotten that the average income in America is around $50.000.00, annually, so ten million in a lump some, is generational money, provided ya don’t piss it all away buying land fill / living beyond your means, which sadly, most folk do exactly that. So by the time your kids are fifty years old the money you left them is gone. It’s a major problem with the American wage earners, they are spending themselves out of the middle class or higher, thinking that showing off wealth is what well off people do, only the top of the top can afford to play that game. That is why Americans have high debt levels, they “spend” their lives screwing themselves.
  4. I guess his last cleansing didn’t remove all of his BS…, 😂
  5. What a tool, If I’m the owner I have him benched until the little “B”es contract is expired.
  6. I watched it the other day, good points made through out on all aspects of our defenses play making this past season. What I didn’t like is that I was mostly wrong in my perception of our defense, what I did like is that we can spend on the offensive side of the ball mor freely…, Go Bills!
  7. This is true, just watched a Joe Marino U-tube piece on our defense, and he presented a handful of stats that refute what many of us to include me have been saying about our defenses pass and run play making, it wasn’t all praise, he did point out what types of runs have been an issue, it’s worth a watch, don’t have a link but it’s U -Tube so it’s not hard to find.
  8. Yup, smart guy, laughing all the way to the bank, he retired a multi millionaire, at the age of 28, that’s the freaking American dream right there.
  9. It is when you made as much coin as he did, and retired at the ripe old age of twenty-eight, talk about leveraging one’s strengths ,
  10. There is a a substantial chance Gronkowski doesn’t want to play for Buffalo, after all he is patriot scum through and through, has he ever had a good thing to say about the Bills? I could be wrong of course, but I’ve not heard so much as a rumor of him doing so. The odds are pretty darn low he plays here, and I’m more than okay with that. Go Bills!!!
  11. Yeah, no, it’s not likely Tom Tom even registered in his thought process for this decision. His important other, family yup, his co-workers not a chance.
  12. Good on him! He has hit the top of his professional career, made millions doing so, I’d be giving the Royalty wave to my employer and live out my life in luxury, again, good on him!
  13. It can only get sillier when they rate draft classes at the end of training camp…, anything for a click I guess.
  14. I have had the same thought on more than one occasion, it feels “at times” there is no concept of fast tracking player development, but hey, what do I know…,
  15. Didn’t say he would,
  16. Could go either way, depends on the circumstances at that time, ya roll the dice, ya take your chances,
  17. In that he would be cheap, if he came here, and that he and Josh are friends is all fine and dandy, but as a QB the guy really isn’t any good, hell he’s worse than Barkley, in all seriousness why the F would we want him on this team?? Go for it, change my mind on this guy, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  18. I believe it was initially an ankle injury that lingered from the end of the previous season, he re-injured it early this past season, that at least was why he saw so little playing time early on. Then Dabol/McDermott just took forever to work him back into the offense, as to why that is, I for one do not know, maybe Scottlaw has the answer…, 😁👍
  19. First Two seasons with 14 TDs, and some spectacular and timely catches along the way is likely to have something to do with it. The guy totally takes advantage of his opportunities when they present themselves, you know, just what a player is supposed to do, when he gets paid is to be debated not if…, jmo.
  20. We stand to miss the boat on a really good TE when another team makes him an offer he can’t refuse, and the Bills have to start over again, that would be so very Billsey…,
  21. I didn’t say it was, I was questioning another posters comment on a player being injured after a contract extension, being the case. Well well now, that is a cautionary tail isn’t it, 😂
  22. Kim Pegula didn’t own the team back then…
  23. On this note is Tre White a cautionary tail? Like I stated previously, future performance after contact extensions , carries risks, it’s part and parcel of doing business in the NFL, is it not? Things like that do happen to very important members of a team, look at Joe Burrows, first year, gets his knee blown up, sh-t happens. With all those revenue streams forth coming, extending Knox really isn’t such a big deal. Beane isn’t a fool, he isn’t going to hamstring the teams finances, there isn’t a lot to worry about, outside of Russia causing the world oil prices to skyrocket with their wag the dog war…
  24. I would opt for Knox & Oliver, Beane is a clever man, he will sign at least two.
  25. I don’t think this backing up the “Brinks truck” is what going to happen, unless we wait to long. You appear to be quite risk adverse about a guy who catches his targets at a very high rate, and scores a lot of TDs, when is it you would advocate for taking a reasonable risk? Because as we all know, every extension of a player comes with a future performance risk…, it’s just part of the cost of doing business in the NFL.
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