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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Yup, Some folk just never get past the select points that they base their assumptions on. Go Bills!!!
  2. It does give you an edge in this field for sure, but it seems to create worries that are unwarranted In this case, jmo, 😁
  3. So in other words that preseason game means absolutely nothing, ya kinda contradicted yourself…, Go Bills!!!
  4. That’s because I’m right on every point in every post, it’s a community service, it is done for the good of all football fans.
  5. That anyone even gives a 💩 what those schmucks bloviate on and on about is frankly a troubling point for humanities intelligence, and longevity.
  6. You appear to be confused as to what you think you saw, there are very many folks on this board who have stated that EO played an excellent game, And Addison did a good job in rotation. Watch the game not the stat sheet, as an example; AJ Epenesa kicked asz and wasn’t credited with much in the stat department…, Go Bills!!!
  7. Because you were born and raised in the mid to late 20th century, when men cajoled each other mercilessly as a matter of normal behavior, and “to soon” jokes were never to soon, nowadays everyone’s gotta be a P- - - - to be considered to be socially acceptable, hell, the good comedians don’t play at colleges anymore, because jokes are bad now…, okay, I’m back, I don’t know what came over me, I will continue to be agonizingly polite as I usually am…, Go Bills!!!
  8. Because you were born and raised in the mid to late 20th century, when men cajoled each other mercilessly as a matter of normal behavior, and “to soon” jokes were never to soon, nowadays everyone’s gotta be a P- - - - to be considered to be socially acceptable, hell, the good comedians don’t play at colleges anymore, because jokes are bad now…, okay, I’m back, I don’t know what came over me, I will continue to be agonizingly polite as I usually am…, Go Bills!!!
  9. Oh come on now, that’s crazy talk, why in the world anyone do that…, Go Bills!!!
  10. It could be a lack of preseason playing time. They have come out looking rusty and out of sync, tell tales of not enough live game speed and hits, they will get past it, but it is the price to pay for not playing your first team guys in the preseason. That and the Steelers appear to use what KC did, game plan wise in there effort to beat us, could be other things as well, but this seems to be the most straight forward reasoning to me…, Go Bills!!!
  11. This^^^, and one play, yes, that one play, it kinda hangs over his career, I understand he’s a good guy off the field, but it is what it is.
  12. This right here^^^ it doesn’t have to be every game, it can be for half a quarter or one or two quarters of a game, relevant to the opponents pass defense success, it’s not rocket science, and our guys are plenty smart enough to switch back and forth between run and pass pro blocking, it just takes the will to do it, cough cough Brian Dabol…, Go Bills!!!
  13. I gotcha, look out, I’m a 62 year old former Marine, with a bad heart, that matches my attitude 😁
  14. Just goes to show most of the noisiest fans have been wrong in their constant complaining about TE skills and value to the team, good on the OP to do the leg work to challenge his own assumptions, we could all learn something from this…, nah, that’s way to much to ask…, 😁 that and it would ruin the dynamic of the board…, 😂
  15. Yet more of Billy B and the Patriots cheating ways, such an untrustworthy and undesirable man and organization, the taint of cheating is so heavy that it will never be lifted.
  16. Thanks for the effort you put in to these posts, always a good read👍
  17. He cannot see the forest thru the trees, nor does he appear to want to, as the saying goes, a lack of a flexible thought process is what we are seeing, and inevitably this will keep his snap count low…, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  18. Some “fans” have such a narrow view of how “it” all works that they post things that are for the most part just plain silly, and happily ignorable, this is one of those cases. Go Bills!!!
  19. Shaw, nice write up, concise and to the point, on all the points, we will struggle a bit , but if all goes to plan, we will reap the benefits of coach McDermott way. Again thanks, good read,
  20. Ya see, you’re assuming LF actually wanted the job after his interview…., there in lies the flaw in your assumption, 😁👍
  21. Now now Gug, when you sober up and come down from the edibles you will note something important, that important thing is that your head is no longer…, that and you will be able to see that it was not a dirty hit, but of course your gonna die on the sword on this one, aren’t ya, 😁 nuthin but luv, Don, Go Bills!!!
  22. Well, there is an old adage, “ you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family” sometimes it’s better to pretend certain family members just don’t exist. None the less, this makes Pat Mahomes life a little bit harder, in which Pat now has to deal with the fallout instead of paying attention to football with that time, and that is good for any team that plays KC. Go Bills!!!
  23. Not to worry about the “melt down” that will happen on the first run play that goes for less than 7 yards, or the first pass for less than a TD, Bills fans are boarder line manic on a good day, 😁 Go Bills!!!
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