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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Who gets extended? Ask Brandon Beane, he’s certain to loop you in…,
  2. The players are adults that are earning in the top two percent of all Americans, decision making for their own health and well being is on them, the can absolutely afford to take care of themselves, if they payed attention and voted for representation that wasn’t making their lives harder etc etc, I can’t muster up a ton of pity for these guys on that front, even the lowest paid are making hundreds of thousands of dollars annually…,
  3. Concerning your 2nd paragraph; NFL players do have access to all number of physical and mental health venues, but as the sayings go, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”, (and sometimes ya just can’t fix stupid) Concerning your 1st paragraph; It stands to reason, just look at all the women beaters that owners/league have snuggled up with over the years…, money talks, everything else can take a stroll…, the saying that “it’s just business” is at times akin to a free pass for being a dirt bag.
  4. This thread is an example of the doldrums of the off season…, 🥱 zzzzzz,
  5. You mean like winning seven games…, oh so impressive, a sure sign of greatness, 😂
  6. Now that is just awesome, well done sir, 👍
  7. Admittedly my dollar amount is low, and he would be a very good get, that would create, as you said, a great secondary, my only gripe with Gilmore is that he always appears grumpy, or pissed about something or another 😁👍
  8. To me he could be a good signing at around 4 ish million, one year, not that I think he wants to be with the Bills, or that the Bills want him, but hey, it ain’t over till it’s over, anything Beane might do should not surprise anyone at this point.
  9. I like it when the cowboys suffer from jurahs decision making,
  10. Doesn’t change the Bills/Beane’s future plans one iota, this is a fan speculation opportunity…, oh, and Knox isn’t going anywhere, there are other more likely candidates that would be traded/let go, it’s the older guys and anyone perceived as an under performer regardless of position they play, that will be the first to go when that time comes, which frankly, is SOP in the league.
  11. Now you went and ruffed some feathers…, 😁
  12. It’s a violent game, played, for the most part, by violent people, it should come as no surprise that lots (not all) of these guys have criminal tendencies, and the ones getting arrested are not the sharpest tools in the shed…,
  13. What decade are you currently living in?
  14. The guy is a walking character flaw, that he doesn’t grasp that his reputation is that of a problem child is really quite entertaining, can’t wait for the next episode…,
  15. Okay Eeyore…, don’t go and get to awful hopeful all at once… 😁👍
  16. What a crazy coincidence, neither have I, oh, and don’t listen to my wife…,
  17. Yup, She keeps his bits in her purse…,
  18. After that one preseason game, did he ever see another snap on offense during any other preseason game?
  19. No it’s not, they promote/ hype players because it directly benefits them financially, same for all the talking heads, it’s all part of the greater NFL hype machine, the hype directly benefits the whole industry, cottage or otherwise, that you purposefully refuse to accept it is kinda funny, it it’s own Mr. Weo way, anyway, I’m gonna get a coffee and read a book, later…,
  20. True enough, but this version of the Bills isn’t the sh-t show of an organization that had no real plan for how to win and be competitive in those days. It is a good deal different now with the current FO, coaching staff, and players, I would think a player like Gilmore would see this as an opportunity to get another ring and toot his own horn at the same time. Not that I’m gonna hold my breath on the outcome of this rumor…, 😁👍
  21. No it’s not, it’s the same, oh, and you’re wrong, 😁
  22. They make their living off the NFL, so yah, they are paid to hype, its a self congratulatory society, keep the hype train rolling, and the pay checks keep coming, you could call it an industry…
  23. That’s the way of it though, its not just Palmer, everyone having an opinion wether it’s National talking heads or some unknown YouTuber, they all hype up every position/player from FA to draft candidates, it’s like a Japanese train schedule, it’s like clockwork, it’s all part of the NFL hype machine, it’s self sustaining, and at this point it’s to be expected, ya just can’t drink all the koolaid they’re handing out on these guys.
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