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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Maybe because his nick name is Ricardo Cabaza…,
  2. OJ is still alive, I thought he was dead,
  3. He’s the opponent, the enemy, etc etc, I’m old school, and that means when those guys are in uniform you’re supposed to dislike them intensely, it absolutely does not matter that he’s a good guy off the field, it’s all about rivalry, in a gladiator sport, this everyone is our friend crap doesn’t fly on game day, hope that helps, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  4. Gene Gene Gene Gene Gene, it’s not your lawn anymore… remember, there was a time when Elvis Presley was considered a deviant, those days are gone, think of this as an example of why you are wasting your time and energy trying to stop something that’s not gonna go away.., Go Bills!!!
  5. Why??? are you really asking why?, I’d “Splain” it to you, but I don’t think you deserve to know…, Go Bills!!!
  6. AJ Epenesa, and the whole rest of the team, because that’s what it takes to dominate in this league, Go Bills!!!
  7. If I pay in percentage so should they, their dividend wages are taxed at a lesser rate than a wage earners wages are, they should not be able to not pay taxes and still use the infrastructure that they don’t pay for, it’s called being a freeloader, Pfizer pays no taxes and the you and me of this country have to cover for them, it’s a scam, you know it, I know it, that’s why there is a movement at hand to enforce a minimum tax on these freeloaders, you may like ballwashing the rich but I’m not picking up what you’re putting down. by the way Before this gets me pointed by the mods, I’m out, enjoy the Miami game, looking forward to our guys kicking their azsez!! Go Bills!!!
  8. Not so, rich people and corporations do not pay a fair rate taxes wise for the use of our nations infrastructure. If I pay forty percent so should they, their wages from dividends is taxed at a lesser rate than wage earners, so in actual effect one is punished for having a job when the two are compared. I don’t care if someone is rich, more power to them, I do care when they don’t carry their own weight as a citizen of this country. If my wages are taxed at a given rate, theirs should be taxed on the same scale as the rest of us, no exceptions, and you know, they will still be rich, I dislike freeloaders who want others to pay their way.
  9. Fear mongers sell a cheap product… The NFL on the other hand has created their own difficulties because of their way of doing business. Greed, and doing their best to get others to pay for their business expenses, ie; stadium’s, and preferential tax benefits, that are both made up for by us taxpayers, I have no sorrow for them on any level.
  10. Ya see, our country is a Democratic Republic, and not a Capitalist dictatorship, that way we have no compelling need to become disgusting people like Robert Kraft, or Marc Zuckerberg, these are certainly not people one aspires to emulate. Having enough money to live a good life is one thing, worshiping money is something else altogether.
  11. Not much of a NFL fan base in Toronto, and it’s literally next door to an established existing franchise.
  12. Like most other pro sports Juicing / PEDs is SOP in the NFL, many like to try to convince themselves otherwise, but they are lying to themselves, its true that some don’t, but that is the exception to the rule, it’s been that way since long before Lyle Alzado(SP) was with the Raiders…, and he was the poster boy for juicing.
  13. It’s what happens to your synapses when you get introduced the planet to many times by a D lineman…
  14. Chad, Bwahahahahaha, it’s amazing that a person could stuff their own head so far up their own…,
  15. Considering San Diego, I believe they tore down the Chargers old stadium and replaced it with a smaller one for San Diego State University, so a new location will be required, it would have to be outside of The city and it’s surrounding smaller cities and suburbs, the NFL left a bad attitude with many of the fans there, I know some that have stopped watching the NFL altogether…which is hardly surprising considering,
  16. Oh well, retirement is knocking, bad for him and his team, good for all their opponents…,
  17. When it came to the run defense aspect we were out coached and out played, it was a close game against a good team, Imo we pooched the last play, but my opinion doesn’t mean anything. Go Bills!!!
  18. As to the TE thing, How do we actually know that we need a better compliment to Knox than Sweeney? being that Sweeney has barely been used, but when used has been effective. Sweeney can block and has good hands. We are a WRs centric passing offense, we don’t use two TE sets as a passing threat with any frequency, never have with our current HC / OC combination, not that we couldn’t at least give it a go now and then…, 😁 Go Bills!!!
  19. The fast ferry was doomed from the beginning, it was altogether to large a vessel for the task it was used for, if they had purchased a vehicle and passenger ferry instead of a casino boat it might have had a chance, or not…😁 A combined UB and Bills stadium would see more usage on a site than two stand alone stadiums individually, and at much reduced cost compared to potentially building two Separate stadiums, it would be a cog in the wheel so to speak, not the whole picture, that and the Pegulas have a portfolio of business ventures currently in Buffalo, so it would fall in place nicely from that perspective. I don’t think the Pegulas care which location is picked as long as state local and potentially federal dollars pay for the majority of it. Lets be clear here, the Pegulas can write a check for a new stadium, and still be multi billionaires, they absolutely do not need public monies to build a new stadium, the public money side is a scam through and through.
  20. It’s not a problem per say, as you pointed out, but mixing it up is a good thing, as to keeping the Defenses guessing, that and Josh by and large throws one of the ugliest screen passes in the league, if we are being honest about it, he’s not very good at it, timing and ball placement wise, that -2 yard screen pass to Singletary was particularly ugly, and is why Motor was tackled for a loss on that play, just more refinement in Josh’s game that could stand to be worked on. I am certain Josh is painfully aware of this short coming in his game. Go Bills!!!
  21. And this would surprise who? nuthin but luv, Go Bills!!!
  22. Spain got Benched for his play not being up to snuff, They were sending a message to him, Spain then had a temper tantrum and quit while on a flight to an away game, mystery “ foot injury” never played again for us, this all happened within months of a new contract, it was all over this board for months,
  23. Yikes, Wake up Krieg !!!! Q Spain quit on the team two years ago, everyone knows this, oh well on Teller, ya miss sometimes, it’s s topic that’s been beaten to death several times over the last two years, nothing to be done about either player now, Go Bills!!!
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