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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. With OLC/run game coordinator Kromer coming back into the fold, we can rightfully expect a notable improvement in how the O-line functions within the many facets of the offense, I do expect Singletary to continue to be an important cog in the offensive scheme, as well I expect Beane to add to the RB room before official team activities start this upcoming preseason, who that addition will be, and when it happens I really don’t know, I suspect your guesses are likely better than mine. Frankly, I expect the offense to operate in a smoother and more decisive fashion than it has for the last two years. Our new offensive coaches, imo, will work together more seamlessly than we have seen in the last two seasons, and the on field performance is going to be amazing to watch, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  2. Josh Allen is all business, and by all appearances, a genuinely good person. Go Bills!!!
  3. I could see a desperate pats fan trying desperately to believe some shnyde like this. You have been remarkable in your consistency, so high marks for that, 😁👍 Go Bills!!!
  4. Does it matter when he is scoring TDs at that rate? And yes I think it’s easily doable, but who gets less targets to accomplish that? It’s kind of a problem that really isn’t a problem in the grand scheme of the offense. Go Bills!!!
  5. I think we should buckle down and get the rehashing of this topic up to at least thirty pages . It’s the least we can do during the off season, 👍 Go Bills!!!
  6. It was going the wrong way until,(I’m guessing here) SM forced Dabol to install a functioning run game, then it really gave the offense the opportunity to really fire up the after burners, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  7. I can see a pats fan seeing it as a “getting the band back together “ sort of thing, but it having some sort of noticeable benefit to that team is a bit of a pipe dream, it’s nice to see BB lying to himself though…,
  8. Edmunds has his issues, (plays a bit soft imo) but the HC really likes what ever it is that he is doing, so…, that right there kinda tells the tale,
  9. Good enough list, I would contend that Dallas is highly over rated, it’s a team made up of personal stat guys, who don’t play well as a team , and have choked away most every opportunity they have gotten, and will continue to do so as long as Jura continues to play arm chair GM/HC .They have no chance to succeed. …and I’m good with that…,
  10. “Don’t confuse effort for success…” remember all those banners up in the field house? Bet he still has them,
  11. The NFL (which is the owners group) IS A COMPLETE JOKE. The Game is fun to watch but the organization that is the “ owners/league” are a bunch of money grubbing/worshiping walking character flaws, it’s the dumb & dumber gang, “Ready, Fire, Aim,” that should be their motto.
  12. LF has even stated that he doesn’t want to make in game changes to scheme, even when he is getting his backside handed to him, SM appears to have a similar issue. Now with that said, this team is light years a head of where they were for the better part of two decades, so I’m happy as hell with that, who isn’t?, but I am frustrated with what is so obviously the teams biggest need, it is in game coaching decision making more so than it is personnel, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  13. I’m not opposed to doing this again, like we did for Diggs, for the right player this is a very good option, but you gotta have all your ducks in a row before you pull that trigger. Go Bills!!!
  14. I read that as well, and was frankly stunned by such an admission, not a confidence building statement to say the least, admitting that you essentially have no plan “B” and wouldn’t want to use it even if you had it, is damming to say the least. Now I do think LF is a good man etc, but that he doesn’t see the benefit of changing gears when necessary, and insists on trying to shove the square peg into the round hole no matter what, says an awful lot about his limitations as a coach. If his thinking is SOP for many other coaches, one can then understand why so many coaches in the league are not actually competitive, and in turn, unsuccessful. Go Bills!!!
  15. I would like to agree, but, the bigger issue was that an adequate replacement was never secured, for what ever reason/s.
  16. If you look at the on again off again O-line performance during Johnson’s tenure in Buffalo ya can’t be particularly upset that he’s gone, especially with Kromer being back in Buffalo. Go Bills!!!
  17. Ethan gets caught in his echo chamber from time to time, do forgive him…, Go Bills!!!
  18. He a slightly bigger Tua, and there in lies the problem…, just sayin, 😁👍
  19. I agree, If we take care of what we control, there will be no issue when we play them, as you said, they still have “Mr Velocity” pretending he is a NFL quarterback…,
  20. It’s a popularity contest, ruled over by teenage girls, my apologies to the teenage girls who may or may not be offended.
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