It is a little used term in my area of America, usually used amongst friends to warmly bust chops, of course when traveling, one should follow the rules of decorum for the country they are visiting, being said travel to another country is a privilege not a right.
If it goes as I believe, the first half is going to be competitive, but we will take over after the half, I just don’t want to see complacency with our guys, it’s a division game, and those can be hard fought,
It’s going to be a dog fight of a game, we need to come out swinging, and play physical from the first snap, because Miami will come into Buffalo with a revenge attitude, and try like hell to take this one,
It needs to be a mix, can’t do the same things all the time, that’s what the problem was when we forced passes to Diggs and Davis every game, gotta keep the defense on its heels,
It’s like having three additional receivers available as needed, this allows J Brady and Allen to play a ball / TOP, control style game that has multiple benefits contributing to overall success. Maybe Josh has learned a little something from T Brady while out putting around…, I just threw up in my mouth a little…, 🤣
He has a serious pro WR to emulate, and they are using him in better ways, and he wants to show out, and be considered a go to guy, which is what is happening,