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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. The HC and GM have been beating the run more effectively drum for months on end, that it appears you haven’t become aware of this…, The team will be averaging a pass to run ratio of 60% ish pass and forty% ish run, give or take the opponent that week, this will be very close to the entire upcoming seasons average give or take, this past season iirc was close to this average. They may very well get near a fifty fifty split in a game or two, folk need to wrap there football minds around this as a reality. Go Bills!!!
  2. It’s likely happened at some point in the past…, 😁👍 See the post above, Brady/Kraft/Patriots, not that they have ever cheated or the like…,
  3. True enough, like I said not a big fan of the guy…, but the Browns organization…, 😂 Go Bills!!!
  4. I’ve not been a big fan of OBJ, but, it can not be argued that he would not benefit the bills offense and the teams goals, I suspect he has matured enough to not be a problem for the Bills, as for his time with the Browns, who would not want out of that tire fire? Ask yourselves that question …, Go Bills!!!
  5. Conversely, it doesn’t mean it won’t, I would expect all teams practice stuff that they potentially see a use for, teams are always looking for a new wrinkle to use against their opponents.
  6. It’s okay, Kyler is way to smart to need film study, just ask him, he’ll tell you so himself..,
  7. I heard some YouTube guy say that he has been given credit for a sack every day of TC so far, if so that’s a good sign, 👍 Go Bills!!!
  8. Nice enough digs for sure, but not my style architecturally, someone will like it and buy it. It’s damn near a desert, why waste the water,
  9. Yo, Crispy, this on top of (11) eleven TDs so…., I’m waiting…, 😁👍
  10. It’s always the spleen, damn things are everywhere..,
  11. Last season, Including post season, (11) that’s eleven TDs scorned by Knox, what the H else are we looking for? The goal is to score points right? Compare that to TDs scored by other TE last season, just sayin, 😁👍 Knox is right up their league wide
  12. I wanna see that two bucks held in escrow 😂
  13. The best part of all of this is the Cards are stuck with this moron for years, So very happy we have Beane, McDermott & the Pegulas👍
  14. Could we stand to have two Edmonds / Edmunds that might not live up to a select few posters expectations, the number of threads stealth or otherwise would be endless 😂
  15. Unless he gets on board with an elite QB those reception numbers are going to drop noticeably, his reception numbers are in direct correlation to the guy who was throwing the ball to him, ask John Brown, Diggs or Cole, they all had personal best seasons because Josh Allen was throwing the ball to them, same thing is gonna happen for Davis…, who is throwing passes to Cole Beasley this up coming season??? Just something to take into consideration. Go Bills!!!
  16. No team is particularly interested in Cole, otherwise he wouldn’t be sitting out there with all the rest of the lightly desirable old football players who “still have something in the tank” which is a kind way of saying they are of situational use and likely to be injured yet again, which as we all know is never a roster priority for any team.
  17. That pass had no velocity, it was starting to float before it got to the receiver, seriously unimpressive.
  18. I agree, with you, this could be that .001% of the time, it’s the Jets after all, what else should we expect from them, okay we should expect more on a person to person level, but it’s the jets…,
  19. Yeah well, some folk need a sharp wrap on the knuckles to grasp the reality of their situation, likely one of those times, this may motivate him to advance his craft in a substantial way.
  20. I want to know if he kept it and its in a mason jar of formaldehyde,
  21. What? There’s no Peds in the NFL, how dare you insinuate such a thing. 😂
  22. The super nova of pessimism sends its warning rays yet again…,
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