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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. True enough, but Dabs had one hell of a student in Josh Allen, now Dabol gets to work with Daniel Jones, I’m thinking Jones is a much harder reclamation job, I think Dabol’s stock drops a bit after this up coming season, could be wrong but I don’t think so,
  2. Frankly a fair bit of our O line issues were not just on the players but on our o line coach and the OC inability to use and scheme available personal to there advantage, the same goes for the Defense, A lack of scheme flexibility shined several times last season on both sides of the ball, jmo.
  3. We both know why the old adage is true; “the game is won and lost in the trenches”…
  4. Dabs was a product of Allen more than Allen was a product of Dabs, that and the Giants for all intent and purpose don’t have a QB, Daniel Jones Is no Josh Allen.
  5. Well, being that the Giants new GM, didn’t pick up his fifth year option, I’m not so certain they are “high” on him, Jones had better turn his game around or he will be looking for new employment as a backup somewhere, jmo.
  6. Or Mitch smartly didn’t want to play in a Giants organization that will likely take three seasons to become competitive league wide…, Steelers or Giants, given the choice, The Steelers all day every day,
  7. All people are hypocritical, some are notably scummier about their hypocrisy…,
  8. This reflects the overvaluation of many economic indicators, such as the stock market for instance, it has been riding an overvaluation bubble for a decade ish. The Cowboys franchise is living of its far past reputation, and not it’s actual performance, or shall I say under performance…, people are gullible and will spend money on anything that gets hyped in a way to trigger an emotional connection, is what it is, one can take advantage of this financially gullibility and make money off the masses, but it’s all a façade when one looks behind the curtain. It’s like the old adage, sausage tastes real good, but you don’t want to see how it’s made…
  9. Yes, a stern talking to, wouldn’t want to actually punish the guy for his long term abhorrent behavior…,
  10. And so the pendulum swings, so much positive media hype, and now…, the bills can barely get out of there own way, 🥱 seriously who buys into this 💩? Go Bills!!!
  11. It’s bad form to encourage people to harass or act aggressively toward someone especially over something as mundane as a recreational sport and you likely know it, as I said, there are lots of stupid people out there who act out over similar language in this day and age, we see it frequently in this country, nuthin but luv👍 Go Bills !!!
  12. You are inciting aggression and potential violence towards an American citizen, there are lots of stupid people out there mind your words friend
  13. Sounds like your emotions have run amok, just because you don’t like the guy doesn’t mean you get to harass him endlessly, that’s the same as giving some other group the okay to harass you endlessly, see how that works? that and a good deal of their content, (those three guys who spend hours repeating each other’s comments) it’s not Eric’s crew, but the two guys and the teenager, they never get to any point, and just talk in circles, man they are a boring trio, can’t watch those three, but Cover one’s main crew do a good job most of the time. Joe Marino does a good Pod show as well, Go Bills!!!
  14. That pass was a complete floater, our rookie Elam could defend that pass all day every day. Anyone of us could have taken a nap when the ball was thrown and woke up be fore it was caught, Tua isn’t impressing anyone
  15. Basically it a case of; you can’t fix stupid, ignore those people and move on with your life, just sayin, Go Bills!!!
  16. It gets him away from his wife for a few hours a day, can’t begrudge that…,😁
  17. That’s what happens when I send pics to my wife…, 😂
  18. Imo, Dabol’s never had a good feel for how to create/use a run game as we saw every year he was here, the exception was the later part of last season, maybe the light went on for him or “someone else” in effect pulled rank and forced the issue, which I believe was the case, this was the the issue that caused friction between he and McDermott. I think Dorsey will not only have a wider range of usable offense weapons (by design) he will use all of them more effectively than Dabol did. Yes I’m optimistic 👍 Go Bills!!!
  19. True, you do have to try, but you have to do it in the correct order, the Bills tried receiver first it didn’t work. QB is always the first priority, then you build around him, maybe if they get clever and lucky Jimmy G could be their guy this year, while they hunt for the next Josh Allen. At this rate the next two seasons will be wasted in DKs career with no QB to throw the ball to him.
  20. The HC and GM have been beating the run more effectively drum for months on end, that it appears you haven’t become aware of this…, The team will be averaging a pass to run ratio of 60% ish pass and forty% ish run, give or take the opponent that week, this will be very close to the entire upcoming seasons average give or take, this past season iirc was close to this average. They may very well get near a fifty fifty split in a game or two, folk need to wrap there football minds around this as a reality. Go Bills!!!
  21. It’s likely happened at some point in the past…, 😁👍 See the post above, Brady/Kraft/Patriots, not that they have ever cheated or the like…,
  22. True enough, like I said not a big fan of the guy…, but the Browns organization…, 😂 Go Bills!!!
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