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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Ya see I’m not rich by any measure, being wealthy is not an issue, being wealthy and being a dick to others is no Bueno,
  2. And there you have it, change is the only constant, well that and stupidity…,
  3. I think you mean replace Tua due to injury this year
  4. Sam isn’t very good, even as BU QBs go, he would likely only be selected because of Josh, not because of his skill set, oh well if it turns out to be Sam,
  5. You are correct. Tampering is a constant in pro football, look at the Miami/Brady example, it is pretty humorous that some folk think it doesn’t happen with all teams and players,
  6. Really? He makes millions of dollars to do very little, and his body will still work when he is fifty five years old, what’s not to like, it’s a cake gig,
  7. Mabey ION is a MARVEL super hero/Eds alter ego,… maybe ED does Comicon stuff,
  8. Lol, I am so envious that I spend my winters on my sailboat in the Bahamas 🇧🇸
  9. It’s typical that it’s a one percenter that would do this…,
  10. Tyreek Hill I’d really really taking PEDs,
  11. Not a center specific thread…, it’s about O-line improvement in general EW being the last time an O-line first rounder was selected is just used as an example of the neglect that the Bills GMs have shown to this aspect of the teams construction, you seem to have missed that…, 😁👍
  12. Bills reportedly interested in many different players…,
  13. Typical behavior of one percenters to do what they can to make others lives more difficult,
  14. I’m thinking I’d rather have Bruce Smith in his prime, and the runner up isn’t even close,
  15. It’s statements like this, put out in the context that that it was made, that sends the signal that you are in dire need of an alternate hobby, lighten up Francis…,
  16. If you want to play hard ball and want to be taken seriously you do it through the agent you pay to take care of these sort of issues, children and immature adults go the Twitter route,
  17. Again, “the majority of teams”, four is not a majority by any measure,
  18. Doesn’t happen that way for the majority of teams, if the middling QB you drafted is so bad that you are still drafting in the top ten when his time is up, drafting another QB is the same as starting over the vast majority of the time, and now you have those guys you have been building your roster with are looking for their next contracts with you or they move on and so the merry go round continues to spin,
  19. Tua must have learned to fall down correctly,
  20. No, no you didn’t, this trade is further proof that ownership/GMs will give up huge resources for middling QB talent. I’m guessing that spending a lot of money is shows that they are “contenders” lol, this ranks right up there with the Browns stupidity…,
  21. No it’s not, its compensatory…,
  22. Only 82 pages to go to hit two-hundred, so my brothers and sisters, once more into the breach…,
  23. OR, with all the resources put into it by all teams, this is as good as it is likely to get, just imagine if they didn’t put all that effort into trying to figure it out…, being that an exceptionally good draft is hitting on only fifty percent of your picks and likely only one or two that are truly impactful, and the rest being reasonable role players if your lucky, sooo…, what can we really except to be achieved in a single draft, me, I want a freaking miracle this year, but I’m not gonna hold my breath. GO BILLS!!!
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