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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Is she bringing her herpe with her, asking for sthustle…
  2. Hell we beat him and his team the last time we played them, but if the league sees fit to suspend him for a game or two that’s fine with me, 😁👍
  3. I would never refer to Dabol as a doing anything in a mindless manor, I’m saying Dorsey will be more creative and effective going forward, Kromer and what he brings is part and parcel of the “the offense”, as are all the coaches on the OCs staff, all the pieces working seamlessly towards the end goal, imo the offense is going to run smoother this year as compared to that past three years, because of these really good minds working together, in a more effective manor, Dabol as good as he was here, (and he was good) had real problems creating options (a functional run game) outside of the pass game, and it did stall the offense several times over the last couple of seasons. Imo, it was McDermott leaning on Dabol that forced him into getting the run game going in the later portion of last season, it had a resoundingly positive effect on the offense as we all saw. The pieces to effect the run game were all present on the team last season, they just weren’t, shall we say, assembled correctly, i will grant you hind site is 20 / 20, as the saying goes, I do think we are for the most part thinking the same thoughts just expressing differently, 👍 Go Bills!!!
  4. Ken Dorsey said, answering a question in a PC the other day that he is, (paraphrasing here) more than happy to entertain all play calling concepts from what’s current, to all the way back to high school, borrowing plays from everyone, think about that, nothing is off the table for him if it is truly viable, this goes hand in hand this concept, he wants “ everyone to be a threat to score points” on this offense…, we are going to see, a more lively mix of play calling than we saw with Dabs in the booth, jmo. Buckle up folks, this is going to be a no mercy year from this offense. GO Bills!!!
  5. Agree, As stated up thread, an array of talented receiver is key. There is always a hierarchy amongst a teams pass catchers which under circumstance will allow for a Davis Diggs result in a game, like the KC playoff game. Imo, a ”true” #1 WR puts pressure on the opponents defense, while at the same time takes the pressure off his teams other pass catchers…, Diggs in the KC game…,
  6. Just imagine what the big guy looks like trying to be even a little athletic,😂
  7. I was looking at this photo earlier today, a beer and a cigarette during a game, that’s some serious sh-t right there😁👍
  8. The saving grace for the Bills with Miami is that Tua will likely stay true to form, they do have talent, I’m thinking a short pass offense on their part,
  9. He did get KOd in a Patriots game running and didn’t finish the game that some will say we could have won, it’s a matter of doing it the smart/correct way when choosing to run the ball, it’s not that complicated, Go Bills!!!
  10. Agree, it has been the likely outcome since training camp, I think we will be okay at the CB position for the first couple of games without Tre, obviously better with him but the reality is what it is.
  11. Go back to the Worship of your tiny weak armed fragile toy QB that will hold your team back all season long, you bring no value to any discussion here, good day. Go Bills!!!
  12. Biggest impact is Cook or Elam, hopefully both will bring a lot of positive plays, Elam will have the most snaps and penalties, Shakir will round out the top three most productive rookies. Go Bills!!! That would be darned substantial if it comes to pass. 👍
  13. It’s the Defense that has been holding the team back, not the offense, or had you not noticed what has happened during the postseason for the last two years? That and Mancz is likely to play this weekend…, according to team reports…, Go Bills!!!
  14. Right on que, he’s here he’s there he’s every F ing where…, Go Bills!!!
  15. I read they removed his spleen as a precaution,
  16. It comes down to two things 1) three million in total dead money, vs 2) can either Morris or Sweeney perform better overall than Howard, that’s the question, Sweeney has been mediocre at best, and Morris can’t get off the practice squad, so ask yourself the question , ‘what would you do” if it was your decision…, Go Bills!!!
  17. Of players that may get traded, Howard is, imo, among the least likely to be traded, in which he is better than who he is competing against for the position. But hey, what do I know, it’s not like I had lunch with Beane and McDermott and they asked my opinion, 😁
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