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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Well the guy is a pretty much nonstop asz hole 🕳, so it would stand to reason the show is better without him…,
  2. Coaches can get caught in the, square peg, round hole thing. It’s prevalent league wide. It is odd to me that while Kromer preaches the “ every player is different” and is to be taught different techniques as to their body make up, so why is he so wed to a scheme that so obviously doesn’t work???, wish I had an answer. Kromer and Dorsey need to have a sit down and figure this out asap, jmo.
  3. We are very predictable in our run game, we telegraph our intentions pretty much every time, so far KD has not delivered on that aspect of the offense in a way I had hoped for, that being, doing it successfully…, Go Bills!!!
  4. And believe the word opportunistic should have been used in your description of his overall capacities, just sayin….
  5. Have they removed his Spleen as a precautionary measure?
  6. That is just so awesome to hear, I just can’t wait👍
  7. To me Moss is average and as of late a bit disappointing, and it is totally fine that you don’t agree with me, how boring would the world be if everyone always agreed on every aspect of life… Go Bills!!!
  8. That makes him average, the only thing he does well is pass block, much like several guys on this team, so again let us know when that great game happens, we all want it to happen,
  9. Some folk are, as the Brits say, “thick”…,
  10. Nether do you know otherwise, but what we all know is that Tom Tom is complete putz, left his former while pregnant for his current wife…,
  11. I get what you’re saying, what we can do is have just one of Poyer or Hyde, this same thought/principle can be applied to other position groups, preserving vet knowledge while reducing overall costs, institutional knowledge is important when bring up the new players, they in turn become the next generation of vet with the knowledge that was passed to them, and so on it goes…,
  12. Agree, we need some guys on the O-line who can “run block and pass block”, should Beane pull this off, it will cure a couple of other important issues,
  13. Yup 👍 and folk don’t want to pay him, he has easily three good seasons left, I for one would like to see him on the Bills for the next three years, Go Bills!!!
  14. Whoosh goes the air over your head…,
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