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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Jones has been stalwart, and that is putting it mildly, an understated acquisition by Beane, Go Bills!!!
  2. We already know you don’t understand. GO BILLS!!!
  3. This is the worst so far, who ever this guy is pretending to be, he need to up his game, now he is just boring.
  4. Like i said, the game day thread is not a reliable resource, it is a hot take repository, governed by unhinged emotion and shallow thought processes.
  5. The GDT is not a thing to base any assumption on, it is always a cesspool of despair and anguish full of the worst hot takes imaginable. (Well okay, almost always)😂
  6. The reason is likely, lots of mediocre QBs that play behind O lines that are just as bad as those QBs. There has been a dearth of quality offensive lineman in the league for what seems like decades, the same can be said for the QB position, there are a lot of average and below average QBs out there, as well, there are a lot of coaches that aren’t particularly good at their craft. I mean face it, half or more of the teams in the league are pretty bad every year. Now punters may be playing a part in this decline, but the bigger part, imo, is the above mentioned stuff.
  7. This should surprise no one Why? Nothing is going to change career wise, also having no agent is not something teams look forward to dealing with, Especially with their starting QB, when they have to revamp the offense to the only style that will work for him, the book is out on Lamar,
  8. It was the cleansing, it took it out of him…,
  9. Always remember; The median IQ in America is 100…, realize, half of all Americans have an IQ under 100, GO BILLS!!!
  10. I think folk confuse good/above average starting QB with an actual franchise QB, the “franchise” term is a bit to loosely used. There are around five or so true franchise QBs in the league, jmo.
  11. Rolling Stones, “Satisfaction” now go out there and get me some, hey hey hey, that’s what I say…, GO BILLS!!!
  12. Pin and pull has worked better for the Bills compared to zone since Spain was a guard on our line, it is troubling that the coaches have not grasped this fully, coaches can get stuck in the square peg round hole dilemma, hopefully the have wrapped their combined heads around this reality going forward,
  13. As true as that is, and it is so, we have yet to define “soon” in this application, this single conundrum disallows appropriate anticipation of the forthcoming renderings…,
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