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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. It is a rare occasion that a GM, Coach or player has anything truly meaningful to say, listening to a bunch of words that don’t actually amount to anything is now what passes for useful information.
  2. Now if only KD & JA can come to a meeting of minds and implement such a strategy…, the very thought makes my football fan self very happy…,
  3. The Hopkins thread is full on zombie status, just won’t die…,
  4. Its nice that you have concerns, anything else you want to get off your chest?
  5. Cut him now, why bother to find out one way or another 😂 We got rid of both of those guys
  6. New Jersey exits as a place for people that work in NYC to sleep when they are not at work, you know, what exit…,
  7. Cowherd certainly does know how to put out the click bait…, DON’T TAKE THE BAIT
  8. And the thing is, Matt Barkley is making top one or two percent income annually in this country, and he has to have the easiest / best job to obtain said income, if I’m Matt Barkley, I’m never gonna retire 😂🤣😁
  9. It is amazing that a running back in todays NFL would turn down guaranteed millions of dollars, knowing full well he would most likely be out of the league after this contract period is up, ah the NFL, Rhodes scholars abound…,
  10. Well, we are what we eat, so…, highly processed food items, a good deal of restaurant food is essentially the way to slowly poison oneself, sadly a lot of the American diet is high in salt, sugar, and additives/ preservative that likely are not intended to be in our bodies., hell since the start of the industrial revolution, the amounts of heaven metal found in our bodies, including new borns is a bit troubling…, , amazingly we haven’t caused sterilization yet, 😂
  11. Okay, once then, and Trent Murphy was a long time ago by NFL standards, how about since then…, especially when the defensive game plan isn’t working, playoffs, cough, cough, Imo there is an outstanding chance that a more aggressive defense with timely adjustments will happen more frequently with McDermott calling the shots, being that Leslie “ I’m not making adjustments “ Frazier is no longer here, I do believe KD will be a better overall OC this upcoming season, especially in the post season when putting your opponent on his back foot is so very important, gotta mix things up to allow that to happen. GO BILLS!!!
  12. Its only my opinion, and can be discounted by whoever cares to do so. Our coaching staff has not introduced new wrinkles into the defense ever, (most notably in the post season) . The offense became predictable in its play design and calls, and it was evidenced by the success of our opponents defenses. IMO our post season opponents pretty much knew what the Bills game plan was going to consist off, and it showed. So, this upcoming season, it will be incumbent on the play design / play calling minds at OBD on both the O & D to shake up the status quo, and get creative when the demand to do so is present, should they succeed at doing this we can win it all, now I’m gonna go make coffee and read for a while, ☕️☕️☕️ (and yes injuries and a bad O line didn’t help) GO BILLS!!!
  13. Dipped in Blue cheese only, 🤣
  14. This is a yawner of a thread…,desperate off season content, 😂 Do the Giants and Jets have their Main offices in NYS ? If not…, 🤣 And what about some of the fans? If they don’t live in New York…, 😁
  15. Iirc KD wasn’t calling any plays in Carolina, wasn’t he an assistant QB coach / quality control kinda guy back then? As to the question at hand, 650 ish yards 7 ish TDs
  16. Both, When posters are constantly negative they deserve some abuse, I am a glass half full sort, but I do “VENT” from time to time, was very happy to see Frazier shown the door, and I believe that McDermott doesn’t play high draft pick rookies enough, etc etc, but I don’t live in the negative as a well known group of posters here so obviously do. They give me valid reason to be sarcastic in a pointed fashion, 😁 🍸🚬 it’s great, and if I’m gentle about it I don’t get the points or sent to to time out, 👍
  17. Your right, That is about as fa as he can throw…
  18. Click bait, and successful click bait at that…,
  19. No doubt, and what about those fashion shoots, is horse racing consuming his attention…,
  20. Some Folk need to realize it’s a football stadium not a mall…, your not going shopping, you’re going to the game…,
  21. Funny coincidence, so was Dorsey, 😁👍 And I believe Dorsey has potential,
  22. Joe B is wrong, Elam is not going anywhere, 1st round pick coming into his second season, three interceptions in his rookie year one of them on Mahomes in the end zone iirc, played well in the post season, come on now, why on gods green earth would they trade Elam? That’s JoeB click bait, nothing more.
  23. The Pats are a shadow of their former selves Tua is just as fragile as he has always been, with a questionable Oline The Jets have an old QB that has talent but questionable drive, with a HC that’s a blow hard, and a iffy O line We have Allen, a notably better O line than last season, better RBs better over all receivers, and an improved defense Sure the games will be tough, in conference games alway are, who do you have your money on in the AFCE?? GO BILLS!!!
  24. Sad day, lots of love to his family and friends.
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