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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. He’s a billionaire, that’s what billionaires do, they are not into being held accountable for what they do.
  2. Song consideration is what he gets every year, but that’s as far as it seems to go, maybe this time is the his moment, maybe not.
  3. It certainly was a good showing by Mayfield, makes ya think he could succeed, well at least a little anyway,
  4. The down side is the man hours the staff could be putting to more constructive use…,
  5. Well, he is the key to the car so to speak, so there is that, 👍 but like all humans he is bound to not see the forest through the trees from time to time, not knocking Josh per say, but no one is perfect, not even me, 😂
  6. We all know money rules the roost, but it doesn’t make what I said the wrong thing to do, the on going plan to have losing teams make the post season over teams with better records is just making football less than it can be. Is the NFL the every one gets a star league, or is it a league to be based on merit?
  7. No, they should in fact reduce the number of teams to what it was two years ago, and go by a teams win loss record, so crappy teams and or divisions get excluded all together. This rewarding crap organizations with post season slots really does needs to stop. If a team does not have a winning record they do not for any reason get a post season slot, is that to much to ask?
  8. Well this certainly sucks, but on he bright side, he has taught a lot of technique to our other pass rushers, (RELEASE THE FRENCH MAN) am confident that we will overcome this set back. GO BILLS!!!
  9. The Offence does indeed need bolstering, attention to OL imo is a must, it will be difficult to get “great players” in which the nfl is lacking in quality OL players for quite some time now,, this means that there are not so many really good college OLmen coming out each season, fingers crossed that Beane hits the nail on the head during the crap shoot that is the draft. Go Bills!!!
  10. Its because they know they are going to lose,
  11. That is just fantastic, good on Poyer, he’s a class act! Go Bills!!!
  12. Agree, and as we all have seen, it is the same small group of trolls/fools every time, insisting that we fire/cut/bench someone or group of someone’s…, we all know what they are going to post upon seeing their screen names, they are TBDs flat earthers, they are always right, if you don’t believe me, ask them…, Go Bills!!!
  13. This is an example of doing the right thing, in helping his fellow country men, women and children, Joshua Allen is shining the light of altruism, an example to others, that they may do likewise in their own way.
  14. Only 91 page? Come on people, we can totally do 100 easy,
  15. I hear Odell Beckham visited, just sayin,
  16. Shakir and Hines, this slow poking both of them into the offense needs to stop, just play these guys already, just sayin,
  17. If you clutch your pearls any harder you’re gonna hurt yourself…, GO BILLS!!!
  18. It’s the Belicheck way, play dirty, and cheat at all costs.
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