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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I’m a 64 year old kid, the 17 year old in me keeps trying to be in charge, 😁
  2. Three interceptions in his rookie season, and playing a lot of zone, when his strength is in man/press, I anticipate a very good upcoming season.
  3. He’s just a kid for crying out loud…, 😂
  4. I believe I said find a home on most teams…, 😁 I understand your position on Bates, you have seemingly never thought him to be even average, be that as it may, I think you are under estimating the lack of O-line talent league wide, which has been a point of conversation with some regularity here, and likely elsewhere.
  5. I’m not saying that the Bills could not have done more to bolster the O-line, the resources are available most off seasons. Just look at players like Bates, he is average, and could find a home on most every NFL team. There is a lack of quality O-lineman league wide, as recent history appears to back this up.
  6. One must consider the dearth of even averagely talented O-line players in the NFL, and it’s been this way for over a decade… the good ones don’t grow on trees…,
  7. The O-line is the fulcrum that allows the offense to leverage its weapons, some GMs won’t wrap their minds around this fact.
  8. Many here have mentioned allocation of resources as an issue over the last year or so, what you have spoken to is an an example of not using more of those resources on the O-line where it would have been better used, jmo. We as fans can only lament, or celebrate, tis the nature of the beast…,
  9. Sounds like my house when I was growing up, 👍
  10. Now everyone is a “SVP” of something or another, I had Business cards made when I worked in a bicycle shop, and added SVP of retail environments as my title, so everyone did it and made up there titles, we greeted each other every morning with “Doctor” and a hand shake, life was good back then, 😂
  11. Frankly, the writing was on the wall for Frazier the moment that the “Senior Defensive Assistant “ was being tossed around by Beane and McDermott, it was tantamount to telling LF that we don’t feel you are able to deliver what is needed at points in the regular season and your post season results speak for themselves…, etc etc etc, ( think Yul Breener when you read the etc part) It’s just how the corporate world rolls, is what it is…,
  12. KD had a notion of what he wanted to accomplish, but he was not as is said, reading the room, so to speak, with an O-line under performing as ours was, he needed to adapt, and not pretend that the line was going to be able to execute the plays he was calling. Here’s to KD learning how to read the room in a more effective fashion this upcoming season, 😁👍🍺
  13. True enough, it was as if he feared making adjustments during games, I am starting to think he knew he was bad at trying to do so, so he didn’t, likely why he was never a serious candidate for a HCing position. Leslie is now a retired millionaire, so I think he will muddle along nicely.
  14. We need to send this guy an Allen jersey and a bunch of Bills related stuff, beer koozies etc…, just sayin, 😁👍🍸🚬
  15. A lot of folk don’t realize that Terry has me on speed dial for this very reason…,
  16. Gotta put that content out there, even when it’s just make believe, click 💵 click💵 click💵 click 💵, it’s what makes the world go round…,
  17. Yes, Frazier is permanently gone, It is amusing that anyone thought he had not been fired from his job.
  18. Well…, that’s fine until they “PULL” it out…, 😂
  19. He has been a constant visitor , first noticed the dark cloud back in the old BBMB days…
  20. Tom the walking character flaw Brady an absolute sphincter.
  21. There is a lot of pathetic to go around,
  22. Add in he is over commercialized and you’re spot on,
  23. It’s a childish thing to do, and has zero effect on negotiations, it’s an example of first world one percenters having a tantrum, absolutely pathetic on its best day.
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