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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Totally agree, lots of first world whining going on here, these folk will be complaining about how we didn’t win the super bowl the way they wanted it won, its totally mind numbingly absurd. Go Bills!!!!
  2. The average IQ in America is 100, half the populations IQ is under 100…, kinda says it all…,
  3. Rich people have a different justice system than we peasants have…,
  4. it is as if pretending to know something is enough…, So yeah, let’s just release/cut every player on the D line that doesn’t have 15 sacks, or enough splash plays to make a few fans happy, and then continue to ignore the glaring needs on the O-line and at WR while we spend our draft capital and limited FA funding to replace that defensive front, just Brilliant…, GO BILLS!!!
  5. This right here^^^ WTF is up with this fearing, worrying, concerned with, just about every GD thing this and every other team has ever had to contend with every single season since the inception of football? JFC let’s give this crap a rest for a couple of days, let’s just beat the Bears and move on from there, that would be nice, wouldn’t it…, Thanks in advance, yours truly Don 😂 GO BILLS!!!
  6. It’s a Bills tradition to give up thirds and long, they have been doing it for damn near forever, 😂
  7. No, but some posters just love love love to stir the pot…, …and not just on this topic…, GO BILLS!!!
  8. So is Dak choking yet again at the end of the regular season? Asking for a friend…, 😂
  9. Good coaches say virtually nothing to reporters, the Bills have professionals running the show now, I do agree with the OP, it’s kind of funny, and a learning opportunity, 😁
  10. Yup, These “takes” just show the level of thought that is unfortunately present on this board, oh well…,
  11. Pointing out deficiencies is necessary from time to time 😁👍
  12. I guess we need even more stuff to be “worried, concerned, frightened, about, can we give this endless nonsense a break for like 24 hours, thanks,
  13. Not fond of non military folk with that sort of nickname, not warranted, if Josh ever gets a nickname that sticks it should be something that agrees with his personality,
  14. No manufactured Nick names, if it happens it must be organic
  15. In the life I have lead, adult men don’t do this sort of thing in public, shows what a tool he is, ya take care of business in private, just sayin.
  16. Love the slow burn of a hot take…, 😂 GO BILLS!!!
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