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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I read something maybe two ish years back that players tend to go for as minimal pads/protection as they can, the article basically said that guys now wear less protection that was common years back, looking at just shoulder pads alone, they have gotten smaller over the years. It seams counter intuitive, but maybe that’s just me. 🙏 for DH
  2. There might be required additional chest plate padding, but that’s likely the extent, but even that is unlikely. 🙏 for DH
  3. It’s generally a minority of players that leave early for health reasons, they all know to varying degrees the potential harm they are inflicting on themselves and their opponents. It’s a freedom of choice decision. Life is sadly unfair and a gamble, one choice from another brings different outcomes…, who when they were young would turn down a chance at being a one percenter for four to maybe ten years running? I know I would have taken the chance. 🙏 for DH
  4. A question was asked, so I answered it, what’s the problem you are having with that?
  5. I agree, I am not a religious man, but my heart is broken for him and his loved ones,
  6. Have they gotten around to removing Poyers spleen yet…,
  7. “Humor’ & “sarcasm” for those with a little patience to understand it, I’ll let you off this time UtahJohn, 😁👍
  8. Vegas is in the business of taking peoples money, that’s what they have been doing since their inception, its a con and it works really well, just like the insurance industry…, can’t trust those bastages, 😁👍
  9. I was being sarcastic, but a valid response none the less 👍
  10. What are you doin being nice to him? 😂
  11. We all know what Josh needs to do, here’s to that happening. No mercy! GO Bills!!!
  12. Under used weapons…, hmmm, Isiah Hodgins comes to mind…, no wait, I just couldn’t help myself, 😂
  13. So your friends and love ones are…, nah, I just can’t do it…, 😂 GO BILLS!!!
  14. And there ya go, simple, concise and to the point, 👍 thanks,
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