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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Our O-line certainly lacks, shall we say “capacity”, in many ways. If Beane wants to keep the QB healthy and happy, it would be beneficial short and long term to actually have an O-line that isn’t held together with bailing wire and chewing gum…, jmo, but in all reality, who cares about my opinion, 😂 GO BILLS!!!
  2. The USMC made all of us buy our entire initial issue of uniforms, only the first hair cut was on the house, and all subsequent replacement uniforms that were worn out over time came out of pocket, gotta admit, I was pissed off when I got my first paycheck and found it to be short by around eighty percent. Semper Fi,
  3. Feelings, nothing more than feelings, feelings of ❤️ 💕 💗 love…, 😂🤣
  4. The mud elephant wading though the sea leaves no tracks
  5. I find !st world offense, offensive, far to much pearl clutching going on over the last couple decades, on the other hand, your Grandfathers circumstance is a valid reason to be pissed off imo, To include myself, most people spend far to much time in their own echo chamber, and end up not being able to see the forest through the trees…,
  6. A long with Smoke, those two could “help” if they were on the field and being targeted from time to time…,
  7. Outside of Diggs who’s catching those passes? It would help if Dorsey incorporated Smoke into the offense with more frequency, amongst other more imaginative usage of our current personnel, jmo…, imo, we don’t do the things that were successful when the fat guy was our OC, which is somewhat frustrating to be honest.
  8. Imo, outside of a not so good O line, Josh not taking the open short pass with minor frequency is a notable part of why we struggle at times, again, imo, taking the short stuff will make the rest of the offensive scheme click, and just plain wear out / demoralize defenses with greater efficiency. But what the “ F “ do I know…,
  9. Sadly no one wants Frazier as their HC, him leaving would be a multi beneficial action for the Bills. Now Dorsey if made the offer would very likely leave, maybe that could be a good thing? We have that Brady guy in line to replace him I guess, is he actually any good? What’s his upside as a potential OC?
  10. Bwahahahahaha, the Cardinals are an example of how to do everything the wrong way, Gee, let’s include the pouty little “B” in our decision making, that sounds like a good idea, 😂
  11. The NFL / League is the Owners. it is pretty damn funny that some don’t seam to understand this, it’s the owners who are making / endorsing these decisions / actions.
  12. Isn’t Troy Vincent the guy who broke his teams starting QBs leg with a cheap shot during a practice, Hell of a guy…, That and the NFLPA is basically the lap dog to the league/Owners, a spineless organization on its best day.
  13. Provided we had an O line that was somewhat consistent
  14. When has Skip Bayless ever been reputable in a good way? He is a turd. Always has been,
  15. And this is the point, there are only five or eight truly good “franchise QBs” in the league in any given year, and something around ten others who are “good”, the rest of them (half of the league give or take) are never ever gonna amount to more than being the dreaded “game manager” types, what ever that really means, (they suck) so the question is; why are teams knowingly paying huge money to mediocre talents at QB? first world problems I guess…,
  16. Could be, but is he the 75% of Carry’s guy, that I’m not so convinced of, where as Singletary has shown his worth repeatedly, Cook right now is an excellent change of pace RB in our offense. Go Bills!!!
  17. They are football players right? so they play football. According to many here injuries are not an excuse, next man up, and all that whooie. Can’t have it both ways. GO BILLS!!!
  18. His head is fragile, his body is fragile, look at his injury history from his last two years of college ball going forward, and he knows it won’t take more than a conventional tackle in which his head hits the ground to put him out of a game, with yet another concussion, we have all seen how his HC is giving him the RG3 treatment, but you can ignore this if you like,
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