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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Like it or not JB and the Bengals have done what JA and the Bills have not done, beat KC in the playoffs, and go to the super bowl, and they are likely to do it again this post season. So yes, JB has passed JA, sucks, but it is what it is. And it is on Beane and McDermotts hands that it has happened this way.
  2. It is and always will be about a quality O-line, or the lack there in. The powers that be don’t see this as being especially important, odds are they will continue to use bailing wire and chewing gum to piece together the O-line as they have pretty much done from the get go. Beane et all; are Cam Newtoning Josh’s career, it’s their version of doing the RG3 thing to him.
  3. No one is feeling stunned imo. People are more feeling resigned to the lack of intent to fix what obviously needs to be fixed, ie: Oline, WRs, and an offensive scheme that actually integrates the run game into the overall scheme. That and the need for Frazier to be given the option to retire, or be fired. As well, have a better overall defensive scheme, that still works well with a few players out with injury. Just like the Cam Newton lead Panthers, the Bills, in current form have plateaued, and the above mentioned items need to be attended to “before” the inevitable downward trend starts, that’s what the overall feeling here is. Right now we are the Shottenhiemer (sp) lead San Diego Chargers, never quite good enough…,
  4. We need WRs & O-lineman, not RBs, RBs we got,
  5. It’s coaching, it’s the players knowing full well that they are not being put in a position to succeed. Just look at what Frazier does..,, just look at what Dorsey does…, and the powers that be, Beane & McDermott don’t see it. So how will it change?
  6. Out of gas, WTF? it’s a one hour game that takes four plus hours to complete. On average for every one ish minutes of play there is something around ten minutes plus of rest, what a bunch of BS. Are all these guys well past their prime? Saffold certainly is,
  7. And our bad schemes helped us lose, All success Dorsey has had are directly the result of Josh winging it to make something happen, Dorsey is imo over rated, and yes, I was one on that wagon, I was wrong, he is two years or more away from possibly knowing his job.
  8. IMHO, this game essentially proves our defense scheme doesn’t work against top flight teams, and the offensive scheme is on the same train. It also proves Leslie Frazier will never get a HCing job, and, that we need to part ways with him, great guy, his coaching scheme is not good, and has proved so for several consecutive seasons. As to Dorsey, he is a smart guy but is really predictable in his play calling, the tail end of the season says as much, in that lower tier teams can defend against it and we struggle to win against them by three points. The relationship between Dorsey and Allen needs to be boss and employee, not buddies playing football, the made bomber QB silliness needs to be reigned in or thing are not going to change season to season. We will likely have Dorsey for another season in which I can’t see anyone truly wanting him as a HC. Yet again the offense was essentially ignored to pump up a D that fails in the clutch moments repeatedly. I truly hope Terry Pegula let’s the coaches and FO know in very certain terms that they have plateaued and need to do better, especially on the O-Line and landing a better #2 WR, and slot, and that they better damn well use their draft picks early and often…, massive waste of a prime opportunity…, oh well,
  9. True enough, but the times when Josh takes a few more of the “dump off/short passes” he has his most dominant games, and makes life substantially harder on defenses, and it is likely on Josh, and it is up to his OC to make that point, every time we punt instead of moving the chains. GO BILLS!!!
  10. (sp) Kair “Jack” Elam, multiple passes defended, and a pick six Two Pac Shakir, six receptions and a TD And all the other usual suspects doing it well…, GO BILLS!!!
  11. They come out of the woodwork, that’s the home of all detractors, me, I just think a couple of minor changes would make the offense all the better, ie; taking a small number of open shorter outlet passes to move the chains instead of punting, but that’s likely just me…, GO BILLS!!!
  12. Agree, a “real” seamless integration of a run game into this offense would be a very good thing, the run game at present, imo, nearly always appears to be disjointed and an afterthought. It’s like they don’t know what else to do so they call a run play, and it is generally obvious that that’s what they are going to do, GO BILLS!!!
  13. Sadly for Frazier they’re not gonna happen, could be wrong of course,
  14. Josh is just fine, with one caveat, there are times when he should take the open check down / short pass, outside of that I’m cool with the guy, GO BILLS!!!
  15. Two Pak Shakir, five catches and a TD. (Sp) Kiar (jack) Elam, three PD and an interception. GO BILLS!!!
  16. Being that I have zero respect for Tom Brady, No, my feeling will not change. Tom/his team purposefully took part in a multi decade cheating scheme, (he/his team, including the owner were busted, and fined every 4 ish years for two continuous decades for cheating). He is the walking epitome of poor sportsmanship, and a role model to no-one. Some worship him, “birds of a feather” as the saying goes.
  17. Every team we play is going to give their ALL to try to beat us, I said this a while back in some thread or another, “every game is going to be a dog fight”, and we are going to have to dig deep every game, GO BILLS!!!
  18. Answer is: what is the Bills current win streak…,
  19. Cousins is gonna choke away this opportunity, in a classic Dak Prescott sort of way…,
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