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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. How Does this change the fact that Josh has been a bit sloppy over his career as to ball security? Earning that rep…,
  2. Super bowl halftime shows are and will continue to be terrible/a joke, it’s all manufactured hype with no substance, hence they always flop, a “good show” is only good in relationship to the misery that is the rest of them,
  3. That would be because Allen, like it or not has ball security issues…, which would get better if he had an above average O-line, which he doesn’t….,
  4. I agree with the OP, but for maybe a different perspective, while i generally enjoy watching football, I”m an adult, and its a game, when I was a child, it was all bigger than life, now its just a game that takes way to long to watch, a one hour long game that takes four plus hours to sit through, which takes a lot of the joy out of it, and yes its also the talking heads, trying to be stars themselves…, spare me, and then you get to the super bowl, yikes, talk about over blown, now it takes five or six plus hours to watch the one hour long game wtf, and the absolute crap that is peddled as entertainment is a crime against humanity, these acts are just bad, the product doesn’t stand up to the hype, ever, which also takes away from the joy of watching the game, i could go on, and i will, 😁 Always remember this, the entire NFL is a private club, and that everything that irritates you about the NFL is approved by the owners, yes, to include the Pegulas, as good a billionaires as one might find, I would comment to the OP to enjoy the game for what it actually is, and ignore the steaming mounds of fluff that surround it, there is way more to life than the one hour long game…, keep it all in perspective, GO BILLS!!!
  5. No one else should jump of the cliff because the moor ons in Cleveland did it…, just sayin,
  6. This is another instance of a “starting QB” incorrectly being labeled as a “Franchise QB” there is a difference between the two… Lamar has made himself difficult to deal with, and will likely get traded a couple of times during his career,
  7. Sean and Beane both need to stop thinking that the defense is more important than the offense, and get the people on board who run those parts of the team to scheme better for the players they have, and as well be able and willing to make in game adjustments when things dictate those adjustments, and that they do so quickly, like with in each quarter. They, and their hires are a bit to rigid in their thinking/approach to team personnel priorities, and schemes, because, (as we all know) you win by scoring more points than your opponents score…, GO BILLS!!!
  8. This right here ^^^, Simms is a Guy who sees that sequencing plays so they work to create an offense that flows one play to another is critical for a QB and the entire offenses success, Dorsey at present has not wrapped his mind around how to do this. GO BILLS!!!
  9. I agree with your thoughts, as to your last paragraph, one can only hope so, Leslie’s inability to make any adjustments let alone in clutch moments is a glaring weakness in his coaching style, and imo, desperately needs to be fixed before the season starts.
  10. His tweaks are not just lacking, he does not make adjustments during games and has said he doesn’t like doing so. Maybe this new guy they hired is being brought in to help out in that area, 🤞
  11. This stems from our OCs inability to scheme well, and JV level play calls and poor sequencing, resulting in Josh having to try way to hard to compensate for the above. Dorsey calls plays like one would imagine a college QB doing it and frankly it shows, I know we all hope this off season is productive in many ways to include far better offensive schemes and an O-line that can block in both pass and run situations, 🤞 GO BILLS!!!
  12. Actually there were quite a few of us banging the drum, several threads were active doing just that…
  13. Their success doesn’t bother me other than it is just an example of Buffalo not evaluating and using their talent correctly, ( Hodgins, Shakir & Elam cough cough, ) they had a receiver on board that they let go who scored something to the tune of six or seven TDs for another team, the guy evidently has what it takes to play receiver in the NFL, and our GM and offensive coaches let him walk, just frustrating. Someone make me a martini stat, 🍸🚬😁 its like the Brady bunch around here, Marcia Marcia Marcia or in our case Defense defense defense when what we need is offense offense offense… quick, another Martini 🍸 🚬😁 Go Bills!!!
  14. Kinda like them golf balls as of late… twenty in the pocket, five to the charity…, and it gets worse than that, If your are going to give, go directly to the organization you want to help out, no middle men/women
  15. Well the NFL is a private club, so they can do whatever, however they want to, now that betting on games is a thing, the owners don’t want to get caught with a fix, tarnishing the shield and all, 😂
  16. We are out of the Shennecossett yacht club in Groton Ct, have not sailed over at Essex, mostly Fishers island sound and out towards Block island and Newport, 👍
  17. I can see that view, it certainly his choice, but the odds are higher for re-injury / new injury returning to the game, depends on how immortal he is feeling, I hope he is fulfilled in whatever the choice he makes.
  18. Having been through heart issues, (ten days in cardiac ICU & anther nine days in a step down unit)) and now remarkably healthy…, If I”m Damar Hamlin, I”m on my sailboat in the Bahamas, and that is exactly where I am right now. Damar is a wealthy man, being his salary was guaranteed in full by the Bills, he has gotten a second chance as I have gotten, time to move on young man, there is a much wider world out there, and it offers far more than football can give to you.
  19. That’s a tuff one, Edmunds is coming into his own at this point, and the O-line is obviously in need of improvement, it would depend on if we could viably replace Edmunds in the draft / draft a couple of immediate impact O-line guys, Beane has his work cut out for him to say the least, if he drafts another D-lineman in the first this place I’d gonna go berserk 😂
  20. Should Beane and McDermott not make a concerted effort shift resources to improve the O-line and address the OCs and DCs overall scheme they will have not done what needs to happen to make the team better. I have some hope that they fully understand this, and have some uncertainty that they will achieve the goal. Go Bills!!!
  21. I’m Jeff, I am 63, 210 lbs, turn 64 in July, I am retired, sold my house it Ct, and my wife and I moved onto our sailboat, in 2018, we have since then been sailing from Groton Connecticut to the Bahamas and back, up and down the east coast, stopping in places we had never been before, and returning to some of our favorites while in route, we are currently in the Exuma island chain, at Staniel Cay, anchored at Big majors spot. We hope to sail to Bermuda on our way back to Connecticut this time on the way north. That’s what I do when not here on this board being a slightly frustrated Bills fan, 😁👍 GO BILLS!!!
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