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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. It just shows he doesn’t think like an adult yet, silly azs stunt, and he is lucky no one pulled out in front of him, ya can’t “ just stop” at that sort of speed, he lucked out this time, hopefully making stupid choices on public roads is just a phase of youthful dumbazsness, and he gets past this sort of stuff.
  2. Who knows, after not playing for two years, his body has got to have healed up, good luck to him
  3. You do realize that this is click bait, right?
  4. Its all supposition, mine is that the Bills win the division and maybe just maybe they win it all, no knows for sure, that’s why they play the games,
  5. I’ve seen a couple of talking heads taking up this topic in the last 48 hrs or so. They do their virtually useless talking head stuff to appear like they have the pulse of the situation, it’s kinda funny really. Being that it is a lesser value position than others, what is it that the group as a whole is realistically expecting to happen? In my work life I was pretty damn good at what I did, and was payed accordingly, but people in other disciplines within the company were paid more than I was, isn’t this always the case in every field of employment? How is it different in football? The answers is; it isn’t any different. Just look at FG / extra point kickers, and the number of points they score every season compared to their teammates…, just sayin, it is what it is
  6. Help him out, give him a hand,
  7. I’ve read that the Bills are favored to win the AFCE, and frankly until they are unseated as the division champs, everyone one else is looking up at Buffalo, ya gotta beat the man to be the man, as the saying goes, as said above the odds for any team to win it all are poor.
  8. I’ll tell you what, if you nominate me as the most improved, I’ll nominate you as GunnerBill’s main source of information, what say?
  9. I heard it was a threesum, but I have protect my sources,
  10. It’s all about perspective
  11. That is life changing wages , it’s all about how one handles their finances. There is a thing called getting a job after football, and not pissing away a windfall. That’s on them, and how is it you came up with this silly notion that these guys should never have to get a job after their football years?
  12. It is you who is mistaken in your concern for currently rich peoples financial situation, they have duped you.
  13. Ya see, those very rich RBs don’t need your backing, but those teachers could use your vocal support,
  14. Okay, be concerned about people that have wages in the top three percent of all Americans and that they are somehow under payed…, Bwahahahahaha
  15. Ah, yet another assumption, We own a nearly fifty year old sailboat that we refit ourselves, we travel at sailing speeds up and down the east coast to the Bahamas and back, it’s a chill lifestyle, and costs far less than you are assuming, but be stubborn and stick to your preconceived assumptions, If you want to be concerned about a group’s financial situation, try school teachers, talk about over worked and under payed…,
  16. I don’t have luxury activities, it was a life choice from years ago, I’m not remotely rich, just thinking outside the box to achieve my preferred life style, and you are still projecting and assuming there Bill, 😁👍
  17. Cause they are rookies and have more to learn…
  18. Rationalize it all you want, it’s still a classless stunt.
  19. The worlds gotta have ditch diggers too, these particular ditch diggers are really wealthy
  20. Projecting there Billbull, I have no envy, I’m retired and winter in the Bahamas and summer on the Connecticut shore, I’m just stating real income numbers, they aren’t hurting financially no matter how much you crow about it.
  21. Yeah because making six figures and more annually is such a hardship
  22. No, asking at all would be classless, especially fully knowing that it is a sore spot for the person you’re asking the question to. That you don’t comprehend this is really quite sad. It is called having social graces.
  23. The outcome depends on the legal validity of Grudens claims, as to the NFL needing to save face…, not so sure that’s a big concern for them,
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