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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. GFs on the fifty yard line center of the field…, just sayin,
  2. Webb is like to expand on the deep knee bends and lifts that RW thought to be so important…, on the other hand, if Webb can resurrect RW he will become a hot commodity for OC the following season…, 😁👍
  3. Stop believing everything you read here or that is put out by the talking heads, here, primarily what you read is stuff people read and then posted here, it’s the talking heads stuff. Look at the team with a calm mind and assess what you see, and what the GM & HC/ coordinators are known to do. There’s your answer, Then keep your fingers crossed 🤞 that those entities will do the right thing , then get yourself a very dry Martini 🍸 and a 🚬 and enjoy the little things that bring you happiness, GO BILLS!!!
  4. I agree that the biggest issues were & are play design and scheming, on both Defense and Offense, injuries never help, but that’s why play design & scheming is so important, adjustments need to be effective and happen in a timely fashion, both of which need to be attended to in a useful way by our HC & coordinators. GO BILLS!!!
  5. I heard/read about throwing angles and Joshes elbow a while back, it certainly can have an effect, but I am also certain that throw angles can be modified for short throws to make the throws regularly doable, it’s a matter of “proper play designs” that allow for “adjustments” to be successful…, Go Bills!!!
  6. Yup, and the thing is no other team is going to give him what he is demanding, he is doing the “ who’s going to blink first” thing, imo, he is as good as gone from Baltimore, I suspect they are fine with that and already have plans set in place for his eventual departure.
  7. I like a ten to fifteen yard pass that is run an additional thirty or so yards for a TD, lots going on to enjoy with that sort of play, I do as well like when a run breaks for big yards / TDs, ( you listening Ken…) 😁 GO BILLS!!!
  8. We Sure did have a good season overall, but we sure did struggle to beat some mediocre teams, and equal teams as the season progressed through to the post season . These issues primarily stem from play design/schemes, or poor execution, both of which fall to the GM, HC, and coordinators to remedy, via play/scheme adjustments, or personnel use adjustments, and some good old fashioned, do your job or you sit conversations, which can be done with polite language, and still get the point across. Back to the first sentence, we had a good regular season for three straight seasons, it’s been the post season readiness by either the coaches, or the players, and we have a coaching staff that apparently does not go in for meaningful/effective in game adjustments, we have watched this happen repeatedly, and no I don’t want to fire everyone, I just want to see some growth from our veteran and new coordinators that show a willingness to make those effective adjustments during games, especially in the post season, Frazier is a big road block to this sort of thought process by his own admission, so where and how do we go from here??? GO BILLS!!!
  9. You did that on purpose, heads will explode nonstop for days if they go D in the first round, it will be fun to read the reactions if/when it happens, right now McDermott and Beane are deciding which edge they are gonna take, 😂
  10. The thing is they have plenty of talent on the D, we just lack scheme flexibility when needed to counter good HCs & OCs, it’s odd that they don’t appear to accept this as a flaw that they need to address, especially after three consecutive post seasons that have shown this to be so, oh well…, GO BILLS!!!
  11. JFC, (and I’m not talkin fried chicken) only a hundred and seventeen pages? Y’all’s falling down on the job here people, when I come back to this thread in a couple days I would like to see some actual participation…,
  12. Calm down, Lee was just towing the company line, as would be expected, what is lost here is the nuances of what went wrong in the last three post seasons, that is what is being discussed, ranted about, and otherwise explored by former QBs, talking heads, and fans, some of all of the above are pretty damn smart when it comes to analysis of the post season failings of our team, so everyone needs to get off their respective high horses and make some attempt at being a bit objective about what didn’t go well, and openly talk about it, nuthin but luv, GO BILLS!!!
  13. That gets bumped out of the playoffs for the last three seasons, the team has a lot going for it to say the least, but there are short comings on both sides of the ball, and the buck stops on the GMs HCs & coordinators desks, it is they who are not adapting or the players are not doing what they want done, either way, it’s on them to make appropriate changes in play design or personnel to achieve the goal. GO BILLS!!!
  14. Yup, don’t disagree so much, although the offense was imo, not supported properly personnel wise, (yes I know they hired a bunch of O side coaches to supposedly assist with this). I am referring to a rookie OC that lacked experience in personnel use, play design, and sequencing the play calling, ( which was brought up by former successful QBs who saw it this way) this played a part in why we struggled to beat lesser and equal teams, it was the previously mentioned O side coaches who imo should have been more proactive in helping out Dorsey when the offense started to struggle during the second half of the season, assisting the rookie OC was in theory why they were hired, what ever was going on wasn’t working so well as the season progressed. Water under the bridge at this point…, fingers crossed going forward, GO BILLS!!!
  15. That right there is pretty much spot on, hind sight is generally miss used, there is likely more to his seasons performance than meets the eye, imo, play design/ scheming had a fair bit to do with it, but that could just be me, GO BILLS!!!
  16. No, it would appear that they over estimated his capacity to become a #2 WR, the catch percentage this past season, and for that matter, his career with Buffalo isn’t what one would call awesome, We all love the guy when he is doing his toe drag swag, etc, but it can not be argued that he did not lay an egg this past season, play design by our OC isn’t particularly helpful in this regard either…, GO BILLS!!!
  17. Rather succinct of you OP, you hit the nail on the head. Beane & Mcdermott really need to stop with the Idea that the Offense will work being held together with duct tape and bailing wire, it’s past time to actually build a power house offense, hell, they might even win a championship if they do…, GO BILLS!!!
  18. I hear what the OP is getting at, we do need some luck, but more so than that, we need a competent O-Line and a better #2 WR, as well as some real innovation with our OC’s & DC’s play designs…, now where’s that horse, and what did i do with my club…, GO BILLS!!!
  19. Yup, that STs 1/3 of the game nonsense has wasted a lot of roster spots and related money over the years, STs is and always will be the red headed step child of NFL teams/players, its rare that anyone actually cares about STs,, its just coach talk/lip service.
  20. What is with this unhealthy affection for special teams players???
  21. In hind sight, I didn’t realize Dorsey and Josh were that buddy buddy, not a good thing in the Boss employee relationship, an OC needs to be able to kick his QB in the azs (figuratively) from time to time, and that certainly hasn’t happened since Dorsey took over, also agree on the lack of innovation in play development by our OC, GO BILLS!!!
  22. Rex must be in need of another pick up truck with NFL team colors on it…,
  23. I’m a fan of both Beane and McDermott, they rescued the franchise from certain hell, Go Bills!!!
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