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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Oh please already, yesterday the offense dominated the defense, where were you then? this back and forth is standard for TC, happens every preseason,
  2. This right here, ^^^ the knee jerk “ concern “ “ worry “ “ we are doomed “ about the O-line today after the O -line dominating yesterday…, come on folks, keep your thinker engaged…, this is SOP every TC every year, the O & D lines go back and forth countering each other from practice to practice, it is neither new or concerning,
  3. It’s so funny to read the “group” that dislikes nearly 100% of personnel selections go on and on about a guy who wasn’t even signed, I guess it creates a sense of accomplishment for them…, I give them kudos for consistency, 😁👍
  4. I feel the same way, for the most part Twitter is the proverbial race to the bottom / lowest common denominator cesspool.
  5. It all Right here, Dean’s T camp reports, various tweets from all known bills beat guys and gals, Cover 1, & locked on Bills, both do YouTube channels, covers pretty much everything you would need to know, 😁👍
  6. He is a total asset to all of us every darn year, I really like his reports,
  7. Doesn’t show a lot of thinking on behalf of the OC, silly azs play call, to much potential to get your Franchise in a word of hurt, such a Billsy thing to do, glad it ended up being no big deal, Don’t do it again! 😁
  8. Yup, In division games are the key to the post season, and are always to be taken seriously, so let’s rag doll Tua all game long, 😁
  9. Imo, constant complaining is the easy way out of any topical discussion especially sports, it’s far more fun to be aware of missteps, yet look for reasons to be optimistic going forward, if the team falls short, look at it as a comedy of errors and laugh it off, hit restart and have at it again, being lite of heart will likely allow one to be happier and live longer,
  10. Glass houses…,
  11. Absolutely wonderful!
  12. Newcam2012’s Glass half empty attitude at it’s best, If one didn’t no better and only read your posts they would think the Bills are one of the worst teams in the league,
  13. What’s even funnier, is that I have read the same thing with a bit of photographic evidence added in from a post in one of the TC threads, so what’s one to think concerning these contrary view points? after the first couple of days in pads in TC we will all likely have a bit clearer picture, won’t we…, till then I will keep my powder dry, as the saying goes,
  14. The Miami QB is physically fragile and with his on going history of concussions/brain injury, he is very seriously one hit from being out of commission for an extended period of time…,
  15. In your scenario does somewhat involved” mean fired…,
  16. This scenario has a Madden / fantasy smell to it…, so in real life the likely hood is pretty darn low… being that the first three days of training camp results are not what GMs and HCs base decisions with short and long term consequences on at the start of a season with Super bowl aspirations.
  17. In this “case” Scott, bless his heart, hasn’t had a positive thing to say about this team in likely a decade plus, so the concept of merit went out the window a while ago, jmo.
  18. Okay then, in this case, the Buffalo Bills by your logic are doomed, which is farcical statement / insinuation.
  19. So all the teams that don’t win the super bowl every season for whatever reason are in a state of being doomed by your and a few others here’s logic, that’s just gotta be the most awful way to pretend to enjoy a sport / team that one professes to be a fan of, just bloody amazing…,
  20. It’s the Cowboys, WGAF what anyone associated with them has to say? Josh Allen indeed lives rent free in their Psyche, they fear him.
  21. concerning your first and last sentence, that has zero to do with the Bills organization, and is not relevant to the agreed upon, and signed contract that governs what happens in this sort of circumstance. They will come to an agreement and all the gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands won’t change anything.
  22. That is exactly why Frazier is gone, Like the offense, the defense needs to mix things up, neither side of the ball can do the same thing continuously and not get figured out, so you are correct in which the defense must be more aggressive at times, just as Dorsey and Josh need to mix in the short chain moving passes and run plays, you have to keep the opponents on the back foot as much as possible, gotta keep them guessing. From what I have read and watched, McDermott has already started implementing this during the first two days of training camp, it is why they fired Frazier and Sean took over play calling on the D side.
  23. Yup, I’ve been saying as much for a while now. Completing more short/ intermediate passes not only increases the odds of moving the chains successfully, it keeps our offense on the field, having the extra added benefit of keeping the opposing offense off the field. This wears out the opposing defenses come the 3rd and 4th quarters when they can’t get off the field. It allows the Bills to control the flow of the game and time of possession. All of this increases the odds of success throughout the regular and post seasons. Josh has to think big picture more, and take those chain moving options when they are available. If you don’t believe me ask Tom Brady…,
  24. I hear you, but only one of those two guys had three picks last season, and that is called being a play maker, exactly what a team needs on the field, jmo.
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